MIELE IRELAND LIMITED – Standard Conditions of Sale
1. General
(a) These Conditions of Sale shall apply to all contracts for sales by Miele Ireland Limited (“the Company”) of articles manufactured by the Company and all accessories thereto (hereinafter collectively referred to as “the Products”).
(b) No addition to or any variation or waiver of these conditions or any terms or conditions proferred by the Buyer or printed on the Buyer’s purchase order or in any correspondence between the Buyer and the Company shall have any effect unless expressly agreed in writing on behalf of the Company by a duly authorised employee of the Company.
(c) No servant or agent of the Company has any authority to give any warranty or to make any representation concerning the Products of the Company.
(d) Any typographical, clerical or other error or omission in any sales literature, quotation, price list, acceptance of offer, invoice or other document or other information issued by the Company shall be subject to correction without any liability on the part of the Company.
(e) The Buyer shall be responsible to the Company for ensuring the accuracy of the terms of any order (including any applicable specification) submitted by the Buyer, and for giving the Company any necessary information relating to the products within a sufficient time to enable the Company to perform the Contract in accordance with its terms.
(f) Any waiver of any part of these conditions, if agreed, shall not act as a waiver of the whole or any part of these conditions.
2. Basis of Sale
Products are not to be resold except to a member of the general public. Any breach of this warranty by the Buyer shall entitle the Company to rescind the order and sue the Buyer in damages for fraudulent misrepresentation.
3. Carriage
(a) The Products shall be consigned at the most economical rate at the option of the Company by parcel post, road or rail carriage paid to the Buyer provided that cost incurred at the Buyer’s request (e.g. carriage by passenger train or other transport) shall be charged to the Buyer.
(b) The Company shall not be responsible for damage to any of the Products or loss of the Products or part thereof in transit unless the Buyer gives notice of a claim both to the Company and to the carrier:
(i) In the case of damage within three days after having received the Products before they are used: and
(ii) In the case of loss within ten days after having received the dispatch note and in the case of a claim made under paragraph (i) returns the Products to the Company in their original packaging.
4. Delivery
(a) Unless otherwise expressly agreed in writing by the Company time shall not be of the essence in the performance of any order.
(b) Should delivery to the Buyer be prevented or delayed by act of God, war, civil commotion, government order, strikes, lock outs, fires, accident, shortage of labour, materials, fuel, power or transport or any other force majeure or other cause whatsoever beyond the Company’s control, the Company shall be entitled to an extension of time for delivery until the operation of the cause preventing or delaying the same has ceased, provided that if the Company cannot as a result of the above mentioned causes reasonably be expected to perform or to continue to perform the Contract the Company may by notice in writing cancel the order or so much thereof as shall remain unperformed. In such event the Buyer will not be entitled to any damages or compensation.
(c) Any date quoted for delivery of the goods is proximate only and the Company shall not be liable for any delay in delivery of the Products howsoever caused. The Products may be delivered by the Company in advance of the quoted delivery date upon giving reasonable notice to the Buyer.
(d) If the Company fails to deliver the goods for any reason other than any cause beyond the Company\s reasonable control or the Buyer’s fault, and the Company is accordingly liable to the Buyer, the Company’s liability shall be limited to the excess if any of the cost to the Buyer (in the cheapest available market) of similar goods to replace those not delivered over the price of the Products.
(e) If the Buyer fails to take delivery of the goods or fails to give the Company adequate delivery instructions at the time stated for delivery (otherwise then by reason of any cause beyond the Buyer’s reasonable control or by reason of the Company fault) then, without prejudice to any other right or remedy available to the Company, the Company may:
(i) Store the Products until actual delivery and charge the Buyer for the reasonable costs (including insurance) of storage; or
(ii) Sell the Products at the best price readily obtainable and (after deducting all reasonable storage and selling expenses) account to the Buyer for the excess over the price under the Contract or charge the Buyer for any shortfall below the price under the Contract.
5. Alteration of Designs and Specifications
The Company reserves the right at any time to vary or alter any of the designs and specifications of the Products without notice.
6. Prices
(a) The prices of the Products shall be those on the Company’s price list in force at the date of delivery.
(b) Payment for the Products shall be strictly in accordance with the terms stated at the time of tender or if no tender has been made, the terms quoted on the invoice.
(c) The Company reserves the right to appropriate any payment or part payment of an invoice in settlement of the balance then outstanding under any former invoice rendered to the same Buyer and cash discounts shall only be allowed to the Buyer if all prior claims arising out of any earlier invoice shall have been fully satisfied.
(d) If the Buyer requests and the Company agrees to install the Products or any part of parts thereof the Company shall be entitled to charge separately for the installation time, including travelling time and fares.
(e) Unless specifically quoted as a fixed price for a specific period or agreed otherwise in writing all prices are subject to variation from time to time by the Company. VAT (or any other tax then applicable) will be charged at the rate ruling at the date of the invoice.
7. Title
(a) The legal and equitable property in and title to the Products the subject of an order shall notwithstanding delivery to the Buyer not pass through the Buyer until such time as all sums due by the Buyer to the Company on that or any other account shall have been paid in full and payment received by the Company. In the event of the Products being inter-mixed with other Products not the Property of the Company the Buyer shall hold the Products of such inter-mixing upon trust for the Company until all such sums aforesaid have been paid and shall deliver same to the Company upon demand. Without prejudice to the foregoing the risk of any loss or damage or deterioration of the goods from any cause whatsoever shall be borne by the Buyer from the time of delivery. If the Buyer wrongfully fails to take delivery of the goods, at the time when the Company has tendered delivery of the Products the risk in the Products and all liability to third parties in respect thereof shall pass to the Buyer on delivery.
(b) Notwithstanding the provisions of paragraph (a) above the Buyer shall have the right to dispose of the Products in his ordinary course of business. The proceeds of such disposal shall be held on behalf of the Company.
(c) Once the Products have been disposed of by the Buyer pursuant to paragraph (b) above and until the Company has received full payment for the Products the Company shall have the right to take such action against the Buyer as it shall deem fit (including but not limited to the right to call upon the Buyer to assign to the Company any debt owed to the Buyer by his customer or customers in respect of such disposal.
(d) The insurable risk in the Products shall pass to the Buyer as soon as the Products are delivered to him or to his order and pending disposal the Buyer shall keep the Product insured in the amount of the price at which the Products are sold to the Buyer against all insurable risks.
(e) If the Buyer requests and the Company agrees to install the Products or any part or parts thereof title in the material supplied but not used in any such installation shall at all times as between the Buyer and the Company remain the property of the Company.
(f) If the payment for the Products is overdue or in the event that a receiver is appointed over the business of the Buyer or that a resolution is passed or petition presented for the liquidation of the Buyer or if the Buyer commits an act of bankruptcy then any representative of the Company shall have the right (without prejudice to any of its other rights) to enter the Buyer’s premises without notice in order to recover the Products (and this condition will constitute the authority of the Buyer to the Company to enter upon any other premises of the Buyer wheresoever the Products may be).
8. Guarantees, Warranties and Limitation of Liability
(a) Subject to the payment by the Buyer of all sums due to the Company and to compliance with these Conditions of Sale the Company will repay or (at the discretion of the Company) will replace free of charge any of the Products supplied by the Company or any part of parts thereof which are shown to the satisfaction of the Company to be defective due to faulty materials or workmanship within 12 months of the date of purchase or 6 months where the Products sold by the Company for domestic use have in the opinion of the Company been used for commercial purposes. Any replacement parts supplied under this condition will themselves be guaranteed for a period of 6 months from the date when they were supplied. Any part(s) removed will become the Property of the Company. In the case of defects becoming apparent in Products outside the Republic of Ireland the liability of the Company hereunder shall be restricted to the supply of spare parts free of charge.
(b) The Company shall not be liable for any claim other than under paragraph (a) hereof unless written notice of claim is communicated to the Company not later than 14 days after delivery of the Products the subject of the claim to the Buyer. Latent or inherent defects which could not be discovered on reasonable inspection of the Products must be notified to the Company within 14 days of their discovery.
(c) The Company shall not be liable for any indirect or consequential damage whatsoever to the Buyer or to others or to any property caused by or arising out of or in connection with the supply of Products in pursuance (of any order) or by any defect inherent, latent or otherwise which may be or which may subsequently develop in any of the Products supplied by the Company. In the case of damage arising directly from any breach of contract between the Company and the Buyer the Company’s liability whether in contract or in tort shall not in any event exceed the value of the Products the subject of such contract.
(d) The Buyer shall not in selling any of the Products supplied by the Company make any representation or give any warranty other than those contained in the current Conditions of Sale of the Company.
(e) The Company shall not be under any liability under paragraph (a) hereof for any of the Products in respect of which complaint has been made by the Buyer which have been altered or tampered with or have been installed or serviced otherwise than by the Company’s authorised agent.
(f) The Company shall be under no liability whatsoever to the Buyer if repairs of any kind are carried out by the Buyer or third parties without the express approval of the Company (which approval shall be deemed to have been given in the case of Products installed in ships where defects in such products become apparent whilst outside a Republic of Ireland port).
(g) Any repair work outside the scope or period of the guarantee shall be charged cash on delivery on the return Products.
(h) The obligations of the Company under sub-paragraph (a) hereof are in substitution for and exclude any warranty or condition whether given by statute or otherwise and whether express or implied insofar as any such warranty or condition may be validly excluded.
(i) The Company gives no guarantees as defined in Section 15 of the 1980 Sale of Goods Act in relation to the Products. In the event of the Products being sold with a guarantee from the original manufacturer thereof the Company.
(j) Subject to any other limitation or exclusion of liability expressed elsewhere in these Conditions, the Company’s liability for any claim whether in contract, tort (including negligence or breach of statutory
duty) or otherwise shall in no case succeed the price paid by the Buyer to the Company for the Products which gave rise to the claim.
(ii) Nothing in this section shall be taken as in any way limiting or excluding any liability which the Company may have to the Buyer under Section 2 of the Liability for Defective Products Act, 1991.
9. Export
The Buyer shall not without the written consent of the Company export from the Republic of Ireland to a country which is not a member of the European Economic Community Products supplied to him by the Company and shall take all practicable steps to secure that the Products so supplied are not exported from the Republic of Ireland to any such country to any other person, firm or company.
10. Markings
The Buyer shall not in any way alter, deface or remove any letters, numbers or other marks or markings which appear on or are attached to the Products supplied to him by the Company and shall use his best endeavours to ensure that the same are not altered, defaced or removed to any other person, firm or company. Failure to comply with this condition relieves the Company from all liability under Condition 8 hereof.
11. Packing
(a) The Company shall be entitled to charge the Buyer for packing and shall not be obliged to accept any packing returned.
(b) The Company shall be entitled to charge the Buyer for the cost of crates delivered but shall on the return of such crates undamaged to the Company before due payment date refund the cost to the Buyer.
12. Delivery and Installation
Delivery if undertaken by the Company is so undertaken on the conditions that adequate labour and facilities will be made available by the Buyer at the Buyer’s expense to carry our prompt and safe unloading at the place at which delivery is requested by the Buyer and that it will not be necessary to dismantle the Products or any part or parts thereof in order to install them in the place requested by the Buyer. Anynecessary installation of, or alteration to any installation of gas, water, electricity, drainage pipes or connections are not part of the Company’s service and shall be the sole responsibility of the Buyer and the Buyer shall ensure that all regulations of the local electricity, gas, water boards and of any other relevant authority are fully complied with.
13. Jurisdiction
All orders accepted by the Company and any dispute or litigation arising therefrom shall be governed by the laws of the Republic of Ireland.
14. General
If any condition or any part of any condition is held by any Court or other competent authority to be void or unenforcable in whole or in part these conditions will continue to be valid as to all other provisions and the remainder of the affected provision.
15. Returns
Products correctly supplied to orders are non-returnable, except by previous agreement and these must be consigned carriage paid to the Company’s warehouse. Handling charge of 10% will be applicable.
Credit notes for returned Products cannot be issued unless the Company’s invoice number is quoted on all correspondence relating to the returns.
16. Payment Terms
As per Terms of Payment advised by Miele Ireland Limited on order.
17. Bankruptcy or Liquidation
In the event that the Buyer shall at any time become bankrupt or shall make any composition or arrangement with or for the benefit of his creditors or (being a limited company) any resolution or petition to wind up such company (other than for the purpose of amalgamation or reconstruction) shall be passed or presented or if a receiver of such company’s undertaking, property or assets or any part thereof shall be appointed, the Company shall have the right forthwith to determine any contract then subsisting and upon written notice of such determination being posted to the Buyer’s last known address any subsisting contracts shall be deemed to have been determined without prejudice to any claim or right the Company may otherwise make or exercise).
18. WEEE Take Back
In accordance with “WEEE Regulations 2014 (S.I. No. 149 of 2014)”, Miele Ireland will, upon delivery of a new appliance, take back the consumers equivalent appliance from the location for recycling. The old appliance must be prepared, removed and ready for collection upon delivery.
Miele are a registered member of WEEE Ireland. PRL Number: IE00167
19. Miele - 125 Year Campaign
General details
By entering the Miele – 125 Year Campaign promotion (the "Promotion"), you agree to be bound by these terms and conditions (these "Terms and Conditions"). Promotional materials relating to the Promotion, including all information on how to enter the Promotion, also form part of these Terms and Conditions. In the event of any conflict between any terms referred to in such promotional materials and these Terms and Conditions, these Terms and Conditions take precedence.
The promoter of this Promotion is Miele UK: Fairacres, Marcham Road, Abingdon OX14 1TW.] (the "Promoter").
This Promotion is open to residents of Great Britain and Northern Ireland (the “United Kingdom”) and the Republic of Ireland, aged 18 or over, excluding employees of the Promoter and the staff or family of any Miele retailer, agency and anyone else professionally associated with this Promotion.
Purchase is necessary. Please retain an itemised receipt that states the date of an eligible appliance purchase prior to entry, but within the Purchase Period (as defined below), as this will be required on entry and may be required for validation in order for winners to receive their Prize. This Promotion applies to the eligible Miele-branded appliances as detailed in Clause 6 below (each an "Appliance"). Please retain the Appliance purchased as the Appliance cannot be returned during the Entry Period (as defined below), except where you are legally entitled to return the Appliance, for example if the Appliance is faulty. Grand Prize requires photographic evidence that the appliance has not been returned. Internet access, computer and a valid UK or Irish bank account are also required for entry.
How to enter
Purchase Period: Entrants must purchase an Appliance between 00:01 BST on 1 May 2024 and 23:59 BST on 30 April 2025 ("Purchase Period") to be eligible to enter the Promotion.
Entry Period: Entrants who purchased an Appliance during the Purchase Period must then submit their entry during one of the applicable promotion entry periods set out below. This Promotion will run between 00:01 BST on the 1 of May 2024 and 23:59 BST on the 30 of June 2025 inclusive, with twelve (12) Monthly Promotion entry periods and a Grand Promotion entry period. The Monthly Promotion Entry Period ends at 23:59 BST on 30/04/2025. The Grand Promotion Entry Period ends 23:59 BST on 30/06/2025.
- To Enter:
- UK: Purchase an Appliance during the Purchase Period.
During Entry Period, visit miele125promotion.com and complete the online Promotion form with your details (full name, country of residence, email address, telephone number, a photo of your receipt, the retailer you purchased from, the purchase date, the purchase price, the serial number and product type). When you press “submit” you will receive one entry into the Monthly Promotion for the month during which you submitted your entry and one entry for the Grand Promotion respectively for each point assigned to the Appliance you have purchased (see Appendix 1 for a list of Appliances and their associated Promotion points). For example, if you purchase a combined ‘Washing Machine and Washer Dryer’, given that 1300 points are allocated to such a product for this Promotion, you will receive 1300 entries into the relevant Monthly Promotion for the month during which you submitted your entry, and 1300 entries for the Grand Promotion. One entry per unique serial number.
Republic of Ireland: Purchase an Appliance during the Purchase Period. During Entry Period, visit miele125promotion.com and complete the online Promotion form with your details (full name, country of residence, email address, telephone number, a photo of your receipt, the retailer you purchased from, the purchase date, the purchase price, the serial number and product type) along with your answer to a question of skill that shall also be asked as part of the online Promotion form. If you correctly answer the question, when you press “submit” you will receive one entry into the Monthly Promotion for the month during which you submitted your entry and one entry for the Grand Promotion respectively for each point assigned to the Appliance you have purchased (see Appendix 1 for a list of Appliances and their associated Promotion points). For example, if you purchase a ‘combined Washing Machine and Washer Dryer’, given that 1300 points are allocated to such a product for this Promotion, you will receive 1300 entries into the relevant Monthly Promotion for the month during which you submitted your entry, and 1300 entries for the Grand Promotion. One entry per unique serial number.
- Eligible Miele Appliances for Purchase: Please see Appendix 1 for a detailed list of Appliances and their associated entry points for this Promotion. Appliances may be added to the list of Eligible Appliances (Appendix 2) for Purchase during the Promotion Period.
- Further Entry Details & Conditions:
- Appliances sold for display are excluded.
- Any free-of-charge Appliances are excluded.
- Any press discount purchases are excluded.
- Appliance replacements are excluded.
- Any Appliances purchased directly from Miele or from a retailer not based within the UK or the Republic of Ireland are excluded.
- Certificates of completion are excluded.
Prize details
- The "Prizes":
- Grand Prize: There will be one winner of the Grand Promotion selected from all entries into the Grand Promotion. The winner will win a cash prize of £125,000 if they are resident in Great Britain or Northern Ireland and €125,000 if they are resident in the Republic of Ireland ("Grand Prize").
- Monthly Prizes:
- Residents of Great Britain (GB): There will be 2 x GB Monthly Prize winners selected per Promotion month (48 in total). Each winner will win 1 x £150 Miele voucher or 1 x £250 Miele voucher (each a "GB Monthly Prize"). GB Monthly Prizes will be randomly allocated between the winners.
- Residents of ROI & NI: There will be 2 x Monthly Prize winners selected per month (48 in total). Each winner will win 1 x €150 Miele voucher or 1 x €250 Miele voucher (each a "Ireland Monthly Prize"). Ireland Monthly Prizes will be randomly allocated between the winners.
- No person may win more than 1 x GB Monthly Prize /1 x Ireland Monthly Prize (as applicable depending on residency) per monthly Promotion Entry Period.
- The GB Monthly Prize and the Ireland Monthly Prize are together referred to as the "Monthly Prize" for the purpose of these Terms and Conditions.
- Further Prize Details and Conditions:
- Monthly Prizes (Promotion Entry Periods 1 to 12):
- Monthly Prize winners will not receive any refund if the full £/€150 or £/€250 Miele voucher awarded is not used.
- For the full terms and conditions applicable to the use of the Miele vouchers awarded as the Monthly Prizes please visit: https://www.miele.co.uk/c/general-terms-conditions-13.htm (GB) and https://www.miele.ie/c/gtc-13.htm (NI & ROI).
- Grand Prize:
- The Grand Prize winner is required to have a valid UK or Irish bank account.
- The Grand Prize winner is responsible for providing correct bank account details and the Promoter will not be liable for any Prize payments made into the wrong bank account.
- Winner Selection:
- Monthly Prizes: Each month, the 4 provisional winners will be randomly selected from all eligible entries received during the Entry Period in question (2 from GB and 2 from ROI and NI (in total)), see Appendix 3 for further winner selection detail. Monthly provisional winners will be selected by the Promoter within 14 working days of the end of each relevant Promotional Month, as per the table below.
Promotional Month |
1 |
01/05/24 – 31/05/24 |
2 |
01/06/24 – 30/06/24 |
3 |
01/07/24 – 31/07/24 |
4 |
01/08/24 – 31/08/24 |
5 |
01/09/24 – 30/09/24 |
6 |
01/10/24 – 31/10/24 |
7 |
01/11/24 – 30/11/24 |
8 |
01/12/24 – 31/12/24 |
9 |
01/01/25 – 31/01/25 |
10 |
01/02/25 – 28/02/25 |
11 |
01/03/25 – 31/03/25 |
12 |
01/04/25 – 30/04/25 |
- Grand Prize: The provisional Grand Prize winner will be selected at random by the Promoter from all eligible entries to the Promotion within 14 working days of the end of the Grand Promotion Entry Period (which is at 23:59 BST on 30 June 2025).
- Winner Notification: Provisional winners will be contacted via the email address provided at the point of Promotion entry and within 5 working days of being selected by the Promoter. Provisional winners will be asked to provide evidence of identity and eligibility in accordance with these Terms and Conditions. All reasonable efforts will be made to contact the provisional winners. Once eligibility has been confirmed for each provisional winner, they will be confirmed as a winner. If the provisional winners do not respond to the Promoter's initial contact and notification of winning within 14 days, the Promoter reserves the right to withdraw their Prize and award their Prize to a reserve winner selected at random in the same manner from the eligible entries in question.
- Prize Acceptance: Fulfilment of a Prize will take place within 28 days of the Promoter receiving all information required from a winner. In the unlikely event that a Prize does not arrive within 28 days (to a winner's inbox in the case of a Miele voucher prize and to the Grand Prize winner's nominated bank account in the case of the Grand Prize), the winner must inform the Promoter by emailing promotions@miele.co.uk (GB) and promotions@miele.ie (ROI &NI). If a winner does not do so, the Promoter reserves the right to not reissue the Prize at its reasonable discretion.
- Moderation: The Promoter reserves the right to reject entries which, in the reasonable opinion of the Promoter:
- are in breach of the Terms & Conditions;
- contain any content that is offensive, harmful, objectionable or which is otherwise unsuitable for publication including with respect to race, religion, origin or gender, or which could reflect negatively upon the name, reputation or goodwill of the Promoter or any brand partner;
- contains or refers to any unauthorised third-party brand or reference any third-party names, logos and/or trademarks;
- promotes any political agenda.
- Provided no objection is received from individual winners, a winners list containing the surname and county of residence of the winners will be made available by the Promoter 4 weeks after the close of the Promotion Period, for a period of 8 weeks. It will be available at miele.co.uk/125 or miele.ie/125. The winners can object to their details being published during the Winner Notification process. However, please note that the Promoter will be required to provide winner information to the Advertising Standards Authority if requested by them.
- The Promoter may request that the winners participate in publicity arising from the Promotion. Participation is at the winner’s discretion and is not a condition of Prize acceptance.
- The Promoter seeks to run a fair and secure Promotion and prevent abuse and cheating. If you enter in a way that is not consistent with these Terms & Conditions, your entry (and any of your associated aliases) will be disqualified. Any Prize awarded may be void and recoverable, and the Promoter reserves the right to bar you from entering future promotions for a period of at least six months. For this reason, the Promoter reserves the right at any point to:
- Verify the eligibility of entrants and/or provisional winners through multiple means by requesting such information it consider reasonably necessary for this purpose. Entry or a Prize may be withheld until verification is completed.
- Disqualify entries that are not made directly by the individual entering the Promotion.
- Disqualify entries made using anonymous email services such as, but not limited to, GuerillaMail, Dispostable or Mailinator.
- Disqualify bulk entries from individuals, trade, consumer groups or third parties, incomplete entries and entries submitted by macros or other automated means.
- Disqualify entries beyond the maximum allowed, or those using techniques such as ‘script’, ‘brute force’, masking identity by manipulating IP addresses, using aliases or identities other than their own or any other means.
- Disqualify entrants who tamper with the entry process.
- Disqualify entries which, in some other way, do not meet the requirements of these Terms & Conditions.
- Cancel, modify or suspend the Promotion should it not be capable of running as planned for reasons including but not limited to tampering, unauthorised intervention, fraud, dishonesty, technical failures, or any other causes beyond the control of the Promoter which corrupt or affect the administration, security, fairness, integrity or proper conduct of this Promotion.
- The Prizes are not transferable or exchangeable and cannot be redeemed for monetary value or for any other form of compensation. If for any reason a Prize and/or any element of a Prize is not available, the Promoter reserves the right, at its sole discretion to substitute that Prize or element of a Prize for another of equal or greater value.
- The Promoter is not responsible for entries which are lost, delayed, corrupted, damaged, misdirected or incomplete or which cannot be delivered for any technical, delivery or other reason outside of the Promoter's control. Proof of sending will not be accepted as proof of receipt. The Promoter does not guarantee continuous or secure access to miele125promotion.com.
- The Promoter and its associated agencies and companies are not liable for any loss (including, without limitation, indirect, special or consequential loss or loss of profits), expense or damage which is suffered or sustained (whether or not arising from any person’s negligence) in connection with this Promotion (JS14100) or accepting or using the/a Prize(s), except for any liability which cannot be excluded by law. Nothing will exclude the Promoter’s liability for death or personal injury as a result of its negligence.
- The Promoter will not be liable for any delay or failure to comply with its obligations for reasons beyond its reasonable control arising from but not limited to Acts of God, global or regional epidemic or pandemic, adverse weather conditions, fire, industrial dispute, war, terrorist activity, hostilities, political unrest, riots, civil commotion, plague or other natural calamities.
- All personal data supplied for this Promotion will be used for the purpose of this Promotion and for research and analytical purposes by the Promoter and/or by any agent appointed by it to assist with running the Promotion. Personal data will not be disclosed to an unconnected third party unless your positive consent has been obtained. Your personal data will be handled in accordance with the Promoter’s privacy policy, available at: www.miele.co.uk/c/privacy-notice-14.htm (UK); www.miele.ie/c/data-protection-14.htm (ROI & NI).
- If any part/s of these Terms & Conditions are legally ruled to be invalid, illegal or unenforceable, the remainder will not be affected and will continue in full force and effect.
General details
By entering the Miele – 125 Year Campaign promotion (the "Promotion"), you agree to be bound by these terms and conditions (these "Terms and Conditions"). Promotional materials relating to the Promotion, including all information on how to enter the Promotion, also form part of these Terms and Conditions. In the event of any conflict between any terms referred to in such promotional materials and these Terms and Conditions, these Terms and Conditions take precedence.
The promoter of this Promotion is Miele UK: Fairacres, Marcham Road, Abingdon OX14 1TW.] (the "Promoter").
1. This Promotion is open to residents of Great Britain and Northern Ireland (the “United Kingdom”) and the Republic of Ireland, aged 18 or over, excluding employees of the Promoter and the staff or family of any Miele retailer, agency and anyone else professionally associated with this Promotion.
2. Purchase is necessary. Please retain an itemised receipt that states the date of an eligible appliance purchase prior to entry, but within the Purchase Period (as defined below), as this will be required on entry and may be required for validation in order for winners to receive their Prize. This Promotion applies to the eligible Miele-branded appliances as detailed in Clause 6 below (each an "Appliance"). Please retain the Appliance purchased as the Appliance cannot be returned during the Entry Period (as defined below), except where you are legally entitled to return the Appliance, for example if the Appliance is faulty. Grand Prize requires photographic evidence that the appliance has not been returned. Internet access, computer and a valid UK or Irish bank account are also required for entry.
How to enter
3. Purchase Period: Entrants must purchase an Appliance between 00:01 BST on 1 May 2024 and 23:59 BST on 30 April 2025 ("Purchase Period") to be eligible to enter the Promotion.
4. Entry Period: Entrants who purchased an Appliance during the Purchase Period must then submit their entry during one of the applicable promotion entry periods set out below. This Promotion will run between 00:01 BST on the 1 of May 2024 and 23:59 BST on the 30 of June 2025 inclusive, with twelve (12) Monthly Promotion entry periods and a Grand Promotion entry period. The Monthly Promotion Entry Period ends at 23:59 BST on 30/04/2025. The Grand Promotion Entry Period ends 23:59 BST on 30/06/2025.
Promotion Entry Period Schedule:
Promotion |
Promotion Entry Period |
Prizes |
1 |
Enter between 00.01 BST 01/05/2024 and 23:59 BST on 31/05/2024 inclusive. |
1 x £150 Miele voucher (GB) |
2 |
Enter between 00.01 BST 01/06/2024 and 23:59 BST on 30/06/2024 inclusive. |
1 x £150 Miele voucher (GB) |
3 |
Enter between 00.01 BST 01/07/2024 and 23:59 BST on 31/07/2024 inclusive. |
1 x £150 Miele voucher (GB) |
4 |
Enter between 00.01 BST 01/08/2024 and 23:59 BST on 31/08/2024 inclusive. |
1 x £150 Miele voucher (GB) |
5 |
Enter between 00.01 BST 01/09/2024 and 23:59 BST on 30/09/2024 inclusive. |
1 x £150 Miele voucher (GB) |
6 |
Enter between 00.01 BST 01/10/2024 and 23:59 GMT on 31/10/2024 inclusive. |
1 x £150 Miele voucher (GB) |
7 |
Enter between 00.01 GMT 01/11/2024 and 23:59 GMT on 30/11/2024 inclusive. |
1 x £150 Miele voucher (GB) |
8 |
Enter between 00.01 GMT 01/12/2024 and 23:59 GMT on 31/12/2024 inclusive. |
1 x £150 Miele voucher (GB) |
9 |
Enter between 00.01 GMT 01/01/2025 and 23:59 GMT on 31/01/2025 inclusive. |
1 x £150 Miele voucher (GB) |
10 |
Enter between 00.01 GMT 01/02/2025 and 23:59 GMT on 28/02/2025 inclusive. |
1 x £150 Miele voucher (GB) |
11 |
Enter between 00.01 GMT 01/03/2025 and 23:59 BST on 31/03/2025 inclusive. |
1 x £150 Miele voucher (GB) |
12 |
Enter between 00.01 BST 01/04/2025 and 23:59 BST on 30/04/2025 inclusive. |
1 x £150 Miele voucher (GB) |
Enter between 00.01 GMT 01/05/2024 and 23:59 BST on 30/06/2025 inclusive. |
There will be 1 Grand winner. If the winner is resident in GB or NI, they will receive a £125,000 cash prize
If the winner is resident in ROI, they will receive a €125,000 cash prize |
5. To Enter:
a. UK: Purchase an Appliance during the Purchase Period.
During Entry Period, visit miele125promotion.com and complete the online Promotion form with your details (full name, country of residence, email address, telephone number, a photo of your receipt, the retailer you purchased from, the purchase date, the purchase price, the serial number and product type). When you press “submit” you will receive one entry into the Monthly Promotion for the month during which you submitted your entry and one entry for the Grand Promotion respectively for each point assigned to the Appliance you have purchased (see Appendix 1 for a list of Appliances and their associated Promotion points). For example, if you purchase a combined ‘Washing Machine and Washer Dryer’, given that 1300 points are allocated to such a product for this Promotion, you will receive 1300 entries into the relevant Monthly Promotion for the month during which you submitted your entry, and 1300 entries for the Grand Promotion. One entry per unique serial number.
Republic of Ireland: Purchase an Appliance during the Purchase Period. During Entry Period, visit miele125promotion.com and complete the online Promotion form with your details (full name, country of residence, email address, telephone number, a photo of your receipt, the retailer you purchased from, the purchase date, the purchase price, the serial number and product type) along with your answer to a question of skill that shall also be asked as part of the online Promotion form. If you correctly answer the question, when you press “submit” you will receive one entry into the Monthly Promotion for the month during which you submitted your entry and one entry for the Grand Promotion respectively for each point assigned to the Appliance you have purchased (see Appendix 1 for a list of Appliances and their associated Promotion points). For example, if you purchase a ‘combined Washing Machine and Washer Dryer’, given that 1300 points are allocated to such a product for this Promotion, you will receive 1300 entries into the relevant Monthly Promotion for the month during which you submitted your entry, and 1300 entries for the Grand Promotion. One entry per unique serial number.
6. Eligible Miele Appliances for Purchase: Please see Appendix 1 for a detailed list of Appliances and their associated entry points for this Promotion. Appliances may be added to the list of Eligible Appliances (Appendix 2) for Purchase during the Promotion Period.
7. Further Entry Details & Conditions:
a. Appliances sold for display are excluded.
b. Any free-of-charge Appliances are excluded.
c. Any press discount purchases are excluded.
d. Appliance replacements are excluded.
e. Any Appliances purchased directly from Miele or from a retailer not based within the UK or the Republic of Ireland are excluded.
f. Certificates of completion are excluded.
Prize details
8. The "Prizes":
a. Grand Prize: There will be one winner of the Grand Promotion selected from all entries into the Grand Promotion. The winner will win a cash prize of £125,000 if they are resident in Great Britain or Northern Ireland and €125,000 if they are resident in the Republic of Ireland ("Grand Prize").
b. Monthly Prizes:
i. Residents of Great Britain (GB): There will be 2 x GB Monthly Prize winners selected per Promotion month (48 in total). Each winner will win 1 x £150 Miele voucher or 1 x £250 Miele voucher (each a "GB Monthly Prize"). GB Monthly Prizes will be randomly allocated between the winners.
ii. Residents of ROI & NI: There will be 2 x Monthly Prize winners selected per month (48 in total). Each winner will win 1 x €150 Miele voucher or 1 x €250 Miele voucher (each a "Ireland Monthly Prize"). Ireland Monthly Prizes will be randomly allocated between the winners.
iii. No person may win more than 1 x GB Monthly Prize /1 x Ireland Monthly Prize (as applicable depending on residency) per monthly Promotion Entry Period.
iv. The GB Monthly Prize and the Ireland Monthly Prize are together referred to as the "Monthly Prize" for the purpose of these Terms and Conditions.
9. Further Prize Details and Conditions:
a. Monthly Prizes (Promotion Entry Periods 1 to 12):
v. Monthly Prize winners will not receive any refund if the full £/€150 or £/€250 Miele voucher awarded is not used.
vi. For the full terms and conditions applicable to the use of the Miele vouchers awarded as the Monthly Prizes please visit: https://www.miele.co.uk/c/general-terms-conditions-13.htm (GB) and https://www.miele.ie/c/gtc-13.htm (NI & ROI).
b. Grand Prize:
vii. The Grand Prize winner is required to have a valid UK or Irish bank account.
viii. The Grand Prize winner is responsible for providing correct bank account details and the Promoter will not be liable for any Prize payments made into the wrong bank account.
10. Winner Selection:
a. Monthly Prizes: Each month, the 4 provisional winners will be randomly selected from all eligible entries received during the Entry Period in question (2 from GB and 2 from ROI and NI (in total)), see Appendix 3 for further winner selection detail. Monthly provisional winners will be selected by the Promoter within 14 working days of the end of each relevant Promotional Month, as per the table below.
Promotional Month |
1 |
01/05/24 – 31/05/24 |
2 |
01/06/24 – 30/06/24 |
3 |
01/07/24 – 31/07/24 |
4 |
01/08/24 – 31/08/24 |
5 |
01/09/24 – 30/09/24 |
6 |
01/10/24 – 31/10/24 |
7 |
01/11/24 – 30/11/24 |
8 |
01/12/24 – 31/12/24 |
9 |
01/01/25 – 31/01/25 |
10 |
01/02/25 – 28/02/25 |
11 |
01/03/25 – 31/03/25 |
12 |
01/04/25 – 30/04/25 |
b. Grand Prize: The provisional Grand Prize winner will be selected at random by the Promoter from all eligible entries to the Promotion within 14 working days of the end of the Grand Promotion Entry Period (which is at 23:59 BST on 30 June 2025).
11. Winner Notification: Provisional winners will be contacted via the email address provided at the point of Promotion entry and within 5 working days of being selected by the Promoter. Provisional winners will be asked to provide evidence of identity and eligibility in accordance with these Terms and Conditions. All reasonable efforts will be made to contact the provisional Once eligibility has been confirmed for each provisional winner, they will be confirmed as a winner. If the provisional winners do not respond to the Promoter's initial contact and notification of winning within 14 days, the Promoter reserves the right to withdraw their Prize and award their Prize to a reserve winner selected at random in the same manner from the eligible entries in question.
12. Prize Acceptance: Fulfilment of a Prize will take place within 28 days of the Promoter receiving all information required from a winner. In the unlikely event that a Prize does not arrive within 28 days (to a winner's inbox in the case of a Miele voucher prize and to the Grand Prize winner's nominated bank account in the case of the Grand Prize), the winner must inform the Promoter by emailing promotions@miele.co.uk (GB) and promotions@miele.ie (ROI &NI). If a winner does not do so, the Promoter reserves the right to not reissue the Prize at its reasonable discretion.
13. Moderation: The Promoter reserves the right to reject entries which, in the reasonable opinion of the Promoter:
a. are in breach of the Terms & Conditions;
b. contain any content that is offensive, harmful, objectionable or which is otherwise unsuitable for publication including with respect to race, religion, origin or gender, or which could reflect negatively upon the name, reputation or goodwill of the Promoter or any brand partner;
c. contains or refers to any unauthorised third-party brand or reference any third-party names, logos and/or trademarks;
d. promotes any political agenda.
14. Provided no objection is received from individual winners, a winners list containing the surname and county of residence of the winners will be made available by the Promoter 4 weeks after the close of the Promotion Period, for a period of 8 weeks. It will be available at miele.co.uk/125 or miele.ie/125. The winners can object to their details being published during the Winner Notification process. However, please note that the Promoter will be required to provide winner information to the Advertising Standards Authority if requested by them.
15. The Promoter may request that the winners participate in publicity arising from the Promotion. Participation is at the winner’s discretion and is not a condition of Prize acceptance.
16. The Promoter seeks to run a fair and secure Promotion and prevent abuse and cheating. If you enter in a way that is not consistent with these Terms & Conditions, your entry (and any of your associated aliases) will be disqualified. Any Prize awarded may be void and recoverable, and the Promoter reserves the right to bar you from entering future promotions for a period of at least six months. For this reason, the Promoter reserves the right at any point to:
a. Verify the eligibility of entrants and/or provisional winners through multiple means by requesting such information it consider reasonably necessary for this purpose. Entry or a Prize may be withheld until verification is completed.
b. Disqualify entries that are not made directly by the individual entering the Promotion.
c. Disqualify entries made using anonymous email services such as, but not limited to, GuerillaMail, Dispostable or Mailinator.
d. Disqualify bulk entries from individuals, trade, consumer groups or third parties, incomplete entries and entries submitted by macros or other automated means.
e. Disqualify entries beyond the maximum allowed, or those using techniques such as ‘script’, ‘brute force’, masking identity by manipulating IP addresses, using aliases or identities other than their own or any other means.
f. Disqualify entrants who tamper with the entry process.
g. Disqualify entries which, in some other way, do not meet the requirements of these Terms & Conditions.
h. Cancel, modify or suspend the Promotion should it not be capable of running as planned for reasons including but not limited to tampering, unauthorised intervention, fraud, dishonesty, technical failures, or any other causes beyond the control of the Promoter which corrupt or affect the administration, security, fairness, integrity or proper conduct of this Promotion.
17. The Prizes are not transferable or exchangeable and cannot be redeemed for monetary value or for any other form of compensation. If for any reason a Prize and/or any element of a Prize is not available, the Promoter reserves the right, at its sole discretion to substitute that Prize or element of a Prize for another of equal or greater value.
18. The Promoter is not responsible for entries which are lost, delayed, corrupted, damaged, misdirected or incomplete or which cannot be delivered for any technical, delivery or other reason outside of the Promoter's control. Proof of sending will not be accepted as proof of receipt. The Promoter does not guarantee continuous or secure access to miele125promotion.com.
19. The Promoter and its associated agencies and companies are not liable for any loss (including, without limitation, indirect, special or consequential loss or loss of profits), expense or damage which is suffered or sustained (whether or not arising from any person’s negligence) in connection with this Promotion (JS14100) or accepting or using the/a Prize(s), except for any liability which cannot be excluded by law. Nothing will exclude the Promoter’s liability for death or personal injury as a result of its negligence.
20. The Promoter will not be liable for any delay or failure to comply with its obligations for reasons beyond its reasonable control arising from but not limited to Acts of God, global or regional epidemic or pandemic, adverse weather conditions, fire, industrial dispute, war, terrorist activity, hostilities, political unrest, riots, civil commotion, plague or other natural calamities.
21. All personal data supplied for this Promotion will be used for the purpose of this Promotion and for research and analytical purposes by the Promoter and/or by any agent appointed by it to assist with running the Promotion. Personal data will not be disclosed to an unconnected third party unless your positive consent has been obtained. Your personal data will be handled in accordance with the Promoter’s privacy policy, available at: www.miele.co.uk/c/privacy-notice-14.htm (UK); www.miele.ie/c/data-protection-14.htm (ROI & NI).
22. If any part/s of these Terms & Conditions are legally ruled to be invalid, illegal or unenforceable, the remainder will not be affected and will continue in full force and effect.
Appendix 1: Eligible Miele Appliances for Purchase and their associated points:
Main Category |
Sub Article Group |
Points per purchase |
Laundry |
Washing Machine + Washer-Dryer |
1300 |
Laundry |
TwinDos: Washing Machine + Washer-Dryer |
1500 |
Laundry |
Dryer |
1500 |
Laundry |
Ironers |
1500 |
Dishwasher |
Dishwasher |
1000 |
Dishwasher |
AutoDos: Dishwasher |
2000 |
Refrigeration |
Wine Conditioning Undercounter + Built in |
3600 |
Refrigeration |
Wine Conditioning Freestanding |
6000 |
Refrigeration |
Built in Fridge |
1600 |
Refrigeration |
Built in Freezer + Fridge Freezer |
2000 |
Refrigeration |
MasterCool Fridge + Freezer + Fridege Freezer + Wine conditioning |
11000 |
Refrigeration |
Freestanding Upright Fridge + Freezer |
2000 |
Refrigeration |
Freestanding Fridge Freezer |
1300 |
Coffee |
Built in |
4000 |
Coffee |
Countertop Coffee Machines |
1700 |
Cooking |
Cooker hood |
1800 |
Cooking |
KMDA (hob with extractor) |
3400 |
Cooking |
Gas hob |
1500 |
Cooking |
Ceramic or induction hob under 90cm wide |
1500 |
Cooking |
90cm+ induction hob |
3500 |
Cooking |
Oven |
1900 |
Cooking |
Steam combi ovens |
4100 |
Cooking |
Steam ovens + Steam with Micro |
1600 |
Cooking |
Microwave |
1000 |
Cooking |
Microwave combi |
2500 |
Cooking |
Drawer |
1900 |
Cooking |
Dialog |
9650 |
General |
Others |
500 |
Vacuum |
Cylinder – includes C1, C2, Boost |
270 |
Vacuum |
Cylinder – includes C3, Blizzard |
380 |
Vacuum |
Handstick & Robot |
500 |
Appendix 2: Eligible Miele models:
Material |
Description |
Category |
Date added (YYYY-MM-DD) |
11144120 |
KM 7999 FL black GB |
90cm+ Induction Hob |
2024-04-30 |
11515540 |
KM7679 FL black GB |
90cm+ Induction Hob |
2024-04-30 |
7821720 |
KM5820 stainless steel USA |
90cm+ Induction Hob |
2024-04-30 |
12273810 |
KM 7897-2 FL Diamond black GB |
90cm+ Induction Hob |
2024-04-30 |
11515550 |
KM7699 FR stainless steel GB |
90cm+ Induction Hob |
2024-04-30 |
11515520 |
KM7629 FX black GB |
90cm+ Induction Hob |
2024-04-30 |
11515530 |
KM7679 FR stainless steel GB |
90cm+ Induction Hob |
2024-04-30 |
11144090 |
KM7697 FL black GB |
90cm+ Induction Hob |
2024-04-30 |
11144110 |
KM 7897 FL |
90cm+ Induction Hob |
2024-04-30 |
11144000 |
KM7210 FR stainless steel GB |
Ceramic or induction hob under 90 |
2024-04-30 |
11144070 |
KM7684 FL black GB |
Ceramic or induction hob under 90 |
2024-04-30 |
11144030 |
KM7464 FL black GB |
Ceramic or induction hob under 90 |
2024-04-30 |
11143970 |
KM7201 FR stainless steel GB |
Ceramic or induction hob under 90 |
2024-04-30 |
10684390 |
CS7612 FL GB |
Ceramic or induction hob under 90 |
2024-04-30 |
11144100 |
KM7678 FL black GB |
Ceramic or induction hob under 90 |
2024-04-30 |
11144080 |
KM7667 FL black GB |
Ceramic or induction hob under 90 |
2024-04-30 |
11144050 |
KM7564 FL black GB |
Ceramic or induction hob under 90 |
2024-04-30 |
10889630 |
KM6522 FR stainless steel GB |
Ceramic or induction hob under 90 |
2024-04-30 |
11323040 |
CS7641 FL GB |
Ceramic or induction hob under 90 |
2024-04-30 |
12527300 |
KM7576 FL matt black |
Ceramic or induction hob under 90 |
2024-04-30 |
12399720 |
KM7363 FL GB 230/50 |
Ceramic or induction hob under 90 |
2024-04-30 |
10889620 |
KM6520 FR stainless steel GB |
Ceramic or induction hob under 90 |
2024-04-30 |
12409510 |
KM7361 FL GB 230/50 |
Ceramic or induction hob under 90 |
2024-04-30 |
11144060 |
KM7575 FR stainless steel GB |
Ceramic or induction hob under 90 |
2024-04-30 |
7821660 |
KM5621 stainless steel USA |
Ceramic or induction hob under 90 |
2024-04-30 |
11144020 |
KM7464 FR stainless steel GB |
Ceramic or induction hob under 90 |
2024-04-30 |
10684420 |
CS7632 FL GB |
Ceramic or induction hob under 90 |
2024-04-30 |
11144040 |
KM7474 FR stainless steel GB |
Ceramic or induction hob under 90 |
2024-04-30 |
12399730 |
KM7373 FL GB 230/50 |
Ceramic or induction hob under 90 |
2024-04-30 |
7131020 |
CS 1112 E |
Ceramic or induction hob under 90 |
2024-04-30 |
7120210 |
CS 1312 BG |
Ceramic or induction hob under 90 |
2024-04-30 |
7890110 |
CS 1327 Y |
Ceramic or induction hob under 90 |
2024-04-30 |
11144010 |
KM 7262 FR |
Ceramic or induction hob under 90 |
2024-04-30 |
10770920 |
KM 6629-1 |
Ceramic or induction hob under 90 |
2024-04-30 |
11143900 |
KM 6639-1 |
Ceramic or induction hob under 90 |
2024-04-30 |
11108000 |
DO7860 GB OBSW 230/50 |
Dialog |
2024-04-30 |
11108020 |
DO7860 GB EDST/CLST 230/50 |
Dialog |
2024-04-30 |
11108010 |
DO7860 GB GRGR 230/50 |
Dialog |
2024-04-30 |
11107990 |
DO7860 GB BRWS 230/50 |
Dialog |
2024-04-30 |
11093260 |
ESW7010 Obsidian black GB |
Drawer |
2024-04-30 |
11093400 |
EVS7010 Obsidian black GB |
Drawer |
2024-04-30 |
11093290 |
ESW7020 Obsidian black GB |
Drawer |
2024-04-30 |
11093320 |
ESW7020 cleanSteel GB |
Drawer |
2024-04-30 |
11093250 |
ESW7010 brilliant white GB |
Drawer |
2024-04-30 |
11093360 |
ESW7120 cleanSteel GB |
Drawer |
2024-04-30 |
11093300 |
ESW7020 Graphite grey GB |
Drawer |
2024-04-30 |
11093340 |
ESW7110 cleanSteel GB |
Drawer |
2024-04-30 |
11093270 |
ESW7010 Graphite grey GB |
Drawer |
2024-04-30 |
11093430 |
EVS7010 Graphite grey GB |
Drawer |
2024-04-30 |
11093280 |
ESW7020 brilliant white GB |
Drawer |
2024-04-30 |
12310300 |
ESW7020 GB OBSW/MATT 230/50 |
Drawer |
2024-04-30 |
12310330 |
EVS7010 GB OBSW/MATT 230/50 |
Drawer |
2024-04-30 |
12310290 |
ESW7010 GB OBSW/MATT 230/50 |
Drawer |
2024-04-30 |
11402720 |
CS7101-1 FL GB |
Gas Hob |
2024-04-30 |
9289880 |
KM2354 stainless steel GB |
Gas Hob |
2024-04-30 |
10939800 |
KM3034-1 stainless steel GB |
Gas Hob |
2024-04-30 |
9626960 |
KM2335 FL.BDG GB |
Gas Hob |
2024-04-30 |
7113340 |
KM2054 GB EDST 230/50 |
Gas Hob |
2024-04-30 |
11402730 |
CS7102-1 FL GB |
Gas Hob |
2024-04-30 |
7113300 |
KM2010 G stainless steel GB |
Gas Hob |
2024-04-30 |
10940180 |
KM2357-1 GB |
Gas Hob |
2024-04-30 |
7113320 |
KM2032 G stainless steel GB |
Gas Hob |
2024-04-30 |
9101190 |
KM3010 G stainless steel GB |
Gas Hob |
2024-04-30 |
10939870 |
KM3054-1 stainless steel GB |
Gas Hob |
2024-04-30 |
10434520 |
PUR98 W stainless steel GB |
Hoods |
2024-04-30 |
10565920 |
PUR68 W stainless steel GB |
Hoods |
2024-04-30 |
11878180 |
DAS 2920 stainless steel GB |
Hoods |
2024-04-30 |
10851380 |
DA2668 stainless steel GB |
Hoods |
2024-04-30 |
11878170 |
DAS 2620 stainless steel GB |
Hoods |
2024-04-30 |
12050620 |
DA 6698 D Purist. Ed.6000 stainless sGB |
Hoods |
2024-04-30 |
10851400 |
DA2698 stainless steel GB |
Hoods |
2024-04-30 |
10805780 |
DA6498 W Pure Black Obsidian black GB |
Hoods |
2024-04-30 |
12178510 |
DAW 1920 Active stainless steel GB |
Hoods |
2024-04-30 |
10081710 |
DA6096 W Black Wing Obsidian black GB |
Hoods |
2024-04-30 |
11878230 |
DAS 4640 Transp. glass GB |
Hoods |
2024-04-30 |
10851450 |
DA5798 W Next Step stainless steel GB |
Hoods |
2024-04-30 |
12050610 |
DA 6698 W Purist. Ed.6000 stainless sGB |
Hoods |
2024-04-30 |
12440700 |
DAD4841 GB MASW 230/50 TLK |
Hoods |
2024-04-30 |
10805790 |
DA6498 W Pure Grey Graphite grey GB |
Hoods |
2024-04-30 |
10851390 |
DA2698 brilliant white GB |
Hoods |
2024-04-30 |
11409230 |
DA 7378 D Aura 4.0 Ambient brilliant GB |
Hoods |
2024-04-30 |
11878210 |
DAS 4630 Obsidian black GB |
Hoods |
2024-04-30 |
12050600 |
DA6698W GB OBSW 230/50 TLK |
Hoods |
2024-04-30 |
12545640 |
DAH2960 OBSW Escala |
Hoods |
2024-04-30 |
12545670 |
DAH4970 CONO Sienna |
Hoods |
2024-04-30 |
12545680 |
DAH4970 PABO Sienna |
Hoods |
2024-04-30 |
12545650 |
DAH4980 OBSW Matt |
Hoods |
2024-04-30 |
12549760 |
DAC 2940 EDST Stella |
Hoods |
2024-04-30 |
12549770 |
DAC 4940 WASM Stella Ambient |
Hoods |
2024-04-30 |
10765130 |
DA 2360 USA |
Hoods |
2024-04-30 |
12350270 |
DA2450-1 GB 230/50 TLK |
Hoods |
2024-04-30 |
10568370 |
DA2360 GB |
Hoods |
2024-04-30 |
11402230 |
CSDA7001 FL GB |
Hoods |
2024-04-30 |
10851350 |
DA2578 stainless steel GB |
Hoods |
2024-04-30 |
10568360 |
DA1260 stainless steel GB |
Hoods |
2024-04-30 |
10851410 |
DA2808 brilliant white GB |
Hoods |
2024-04-30 |
11875820 |
DAD 4840 Black Levantar Matt black GB |
Hoods |
2024-04-30 |
11878240 |
DAS 4940 Transp. glass GB |
Hoods |
2024-04-30 |
10888770 |
DA1867 stainless steel GB |
Hoods |
2024-04-30 |
11683850 |
DA 9091 W Screen Obsidian black GB |
Hoods |
2024-04-30 |
12178460 |
DAW 1620 Active stainless steel GB |
Hoods |
2024-04-30 |
10851360 |
DA2628 brilliant white GB |
Hoods |
2024-04-30 |
10851370 |
DA 2628 stainless steel GB |
Hoods |
2024-04-30 |
12428820 |
DAD 4941 Matt black D |
Hoods |
2024-04-30 |
12050630 |
DA 6708 D Aura Ed. 6000 stainless steGB |
Hoods |
2024-04-30 |
10755770 |
DA6698W D EDST SOAF 230/50 TLK |
Hoods |
2024-04-30 |
12050650 |
PUR 98 D stainless steel GB |
Hoods |
2024-04-30 |
10568390 |
DA 2450 |
Hoods |
2024-04-30 |
10448000 |
PUR 98 D |
Hoods |
2024-04-30 |
9750610 |
DA 6890 |
Hoods |
2024-04-30 |
9876880 |
DA 2906 EXT |
Hoods |
2024-04-30 |
10081890 |
DA 2906 |
Hoods |
2024-04-30 |
12246280 |
KMDA 7473 FL-U Silence black GB |
KMDA (hob with extractor) |
2024-04-30 |
11789940 |
KMDA 7476 FL black GB |
KMDA (hob with extractor) |
2024-04-30 |
12246270 |
KMDA 7473 FL-A Silence black GB |
KMDA (hob with extractor) |
2024-04-30 |
12509220 |
KMDA 7676 FL-A |
KMDA (hob with extractor) |
2024-04-30 |
12509230 |
KMDA 7676 FL-U |
KMDA (hob with extractor) |
2024-04-30 |
12515460 |
KMDA 7876 FL-A matt black |
KMDA (hob with extractor) |
2024-04-30 |
12515480 |
KMDA 7876 FL-U matt black |
KMDA (hob with extractor) |
2024-04-30 |
12246260 |
KMDA 7272 FR-U Silence stainless steeGB |
KMDA (hob with extractor) |
2024-04-30 |
11491530 |
KMDA 7634 FL |
KMDA (hob with extractor) |
2024-04-30 |
11093910 |
M2240 SC Obsidian black GB |
Microwave |
2024-04-30 |
11093950 |
M7240 TC cleanSteel GB |
Microwave |
2024-04-30 |
11093880 |
M2234 SC Obsidian black GB |
Microwave |
2024-04-30 |
12173560 |
M 7244 TC Obsidian black GB |
Microwave |
2024-04-30 |
11093930 |
M7140 TC cleanSteel GB |
Microwave |
2024-04-30 |
11390380 |
M 2224 SC Obsidian black GB |
Microwave |
2024-04-30 |
9546480 |
M6012 SC GB |
Microwave |
2024-04-30 |
11845640 |
M2241SC USA OBSW 120/60 |
Microwave |
2024-04-30 |
11143760 |
M 2230 SC |
Microwave |
2024-04-30 |
11143780 |
M 7244 TC |
Microwave |
2024-04-30 |
11093470 |
H7240 BM cleanSteel GB |
Microwave Combi |
2024-04-30 |
11093520 |
H7440 BM brilliant white GB |
Microwave Combi |
2024-04-30 |
11093410 |
H7140 BM cleanSteel GB |
Microwave Combi |
2024-04-30 |
11093570 |
H7440 BMX Obsidian black GB |
Microwave Combi |
2024-04-30 |
12173510 |
H 7240 BM Obsidian black GB |
Microwave Combi |
2024-04-30 |
11093530 |
H7440 BM Obsidian black GB |
Microwave Combi |
2024-04-30 |
11093760 |
H7840 BMX Graphite grey GB |
Microwave Combi |
2024-04-30 |
11093580 |
H7440 BMX Graphite grey GB |
Microwave Combi |
2024-04-30 |
11804610 |
H 7670 BM cleanSteel USA |
Microwave Combi |
2024-04-30 |
11093560 |
H7440BMX GB BRWS 230/50 |
Microwave Combi |
2024-04-30 |
11093550 |
H7440 BM cleanSteel GB |
Microwave Combi |
2024-04-30 |
11093660 |
H 7640 BM cleanSteel GB |
Microwave Combi |
2024-04-30 |
11093750 |
H7840 BMX Obsidian black GB |
Microwave Combi |
2024-04-30 |
11804510 |
H 7240 BM AM cleanSteel USA |
Microwave Combi |
2024-04-30 |
11093720 |
H7840 BM cleanSteel GB |
Microwave Combi |
2024-04-30 |
11093540 |
H7440 BM Graphite grey GB |
Microwave Combi |
2024-04-30 |
11093690 |
H7840 BM Obsidian black GB |
Microwave Combi |
2024-04-30 |
11093700 |
H7840 BM Graphite grey GB |
Microwave Combi |
2024-04-30 |
11093730 |
H7840BMX GB BRWS 230/50 |
Microwave Combi |
2024-04-30 |
11093680 |
H7840BM GB BRWS 230/50 |
Microwave Combi |
2024-04-30 |
12310190 |
H7840BMX GB OBSW/MATT 230/50 |
Microwave Combi |
2024-04-30 |
12105860 |
H 7145 BM |
Microwave Combi |
2024-04-30 |
12143890 |
H 2766 B Obsidian black GB |
Oven |
2024-04-30 |
12143950 |
H 2861 B cleanSteel GB |
Oven |
2024-04-30 |
11093500 |
H7264 BP cleanSteel GB |
Oven |
2024-04-30 |
12143940 |
H 2851 B cleanSteel GB |
Oven |
2024-04-30 |
11093490 |
H7260 BP cleanSteel GB |
Oven |
2024-04-30 |
11093450 |
H7164 BP cleanSteel GB |
Oven |
2024-04-30 |
11093840 |
H7890 BP cleanSteel GB |
Oven |
2024-04-30 |
11093650 |
H7464 BPX Graphite grey GB |
Oven |
2024-04-30 |
11093640 |
H7464 BPX Obsidian black GB |
Oven |
2024-04-30 |
11093380 |
H2890 B cleanSteel GB |
Oven |
2024-04-30 |
11093670 |
H7660 BP cleanSteel GB |
Oven |
2024-04-30 |
12143630 |
H 2465 B Obsid.bl/Sta.sl GB |
Oven |
2024-04-30 |
11093800 |
H7860 BP cleanSteel GB |
Oven |
2024-04-30 |
11093820 |
H7860 BPX Obsidian black GB |
Oven |
2024-04-30 |
11093830 |
H7860 BPX Graphite grey GB |
Oven |
2024-04-30 |
11093010 |
H2760 B cleanSteel GB |
Oven |
2024-04-30 |
11093620 |
H7464 BP cleanSteel GB |
Oven |
2024-04-30 |
11093780 |
H7860 BP Obsidian black GB |
Oven |
2024-04-30 |
12143960 |
H 2861 BP cleanSteel GB |
Oven |
2024-04-30 |
11093350 |
H2860 BP cleanSteel GB |
Oven |
2024-04-30 |
11092980 |
H2265-1 B cleanSteel GB |
Oven |
2024-04-30 |
11093420 |
H7164 B cleanSteel GB |
Oven |
2024-04-30 |
11093600 |
H7464 BP Obsidian black GB |
Oven |
2024-04-30 |
11612940 |
H7262 BP cleanSteel GB |
Oven |
2024-04-30 |
11612930 |
H7162 BP cleanSteel GB |
Oven |
2024-04-30 |
11093510 |
H7364 BP cleanSteel GB |
Oven |
2024-04-30 |
12143840 |
H 2761 BP cleanSteel GB |
Oven |
2024-04-30 |
11804810 |
H7660BP USA EDST/CLST 120/240/60 |
Oven |
2024-04-30 |
12143910 |
H 2766 BP Obsidian black GB |
Oven |
2024-04-30 |
11093610 |
H7464 BP Graphite grey GB |
Oven |
2024-04-30 |
12143650 |
H 2467 BP Obsid.bl/Sta.sl GB |
Oven |
2024-04-30 |
12143830 |
H 2761 B cleanSteel GB |
Oven |
2024-04-30 |
11093000 |
H2267-1 BP cleanSteel GB |
Oven |
2024-04-30 |
11093790 |
H7860 BP Graphite grey GB |
Oven |
2024-04-30 |
11093630 |
H7464 BPX brilliant white GB |
Oven |
2024-04-30 |
11093810 |
H7860BPX GB BRWS 230/50 |
Oven |
2024-04-30 |
12310180 |
H7860BPX GB OBSW/MATT 230/50 |
Oven |
2024-04-30 |
12434900 |
H2766-1BP GB OBSW 125 Edition 230/50 |
Oven |
2024-04-30 |
12408770 |
Oven |
2024-04-30 |
12408780 |
Oven |
2024-04-30 |
12143640 |
H 2465 BP Obsid.bl/Sta.sl GB |
Oven |
2024-04-30 |
12105840 |
H 2765 B |
Oven |
2024-04-30 |
11093330 |
H 2860 B |
Oven |
2024-04-30 |
11093020 |
H 2760 BP |
Oven |
2024-04-30 |
12105850 |
H 2765 BP |
Oven |
2024-04-30 |
11129060 |
H 7264 B |
Oven |
2024-04-30 |
12125340 |
H 7165 BP |
Oven |
2024-04-30 |
11136410 |
H 7460 BP |
Oven |
2024-04-30 |
12101250 |
DGC 7440 HC Pro cleanSteel GB |
Steam Combi Oven |
2024-04-30 |
12101200 |
DGC 7250 cleanSteel GB |
Steam Combi Oven |
2024-04-30 |
11825490 |
DGC 7350 cleanSteel GB |
Steam Combi Oven |
2024-04-30 |
12101230 |
DGC 7440 HC Pro Obsidian black GB |
Steam Combi Oven |
2024-04-30 |
12101320 |
DGC 7460 HC Pro cleanSteel GB |
Steam Combi Oven |
2024-04-30 |
12101360 |
DGC 7640 HC Pro cleanSteel GB |
Steam Combi Oven |
2024-04-30 |
12101700 |
DGC 7860 HCX Pro Graphite grey GB |
Steam Combi Oven |
2024-04-30 |
12101460 |
DGC 7840 HCX Pro Graphite grey GB |
Steam Combi Oven |
2024-04-30 |
12101760 |
DGC 7865 HCX Pro Graphite grey GB |
Steam Combi Oven |
2024-04-30 |
12101330 |
DGC 7460 HCX Pro Obsidian black GB |
Steam Combi Oven |
2024-04-30 |
12101390 |
DGC7840 HC Pro GB OBSW 230/50 |
Steam Combi Oven |
2024-04-30 |
12101500 |
DGC 7845 HC Pro cleanSteel GB |
Steam Combi Oven |
2024-04-30 |
12101540 |
DGC 7860 HC Pro Obsidian black GB |
Steam Combi Oven |
2024-04-30 |
12101220 |
DGC 7440 HC Pro brilliant white GB |
Steam Combi Oven |
2024-04-30 |
12101260 |
DGC 7440 HCX Pro brilliant white GB |
Steam Combi Oven |
2024-04-30 |
12101310 |
DGC 7460 HC Pro Graphite grey GB |
Steam Combi Oven |
2024-04-30 |
12101340 |
DGC 7460 HCX Pro Graphite grey GB |
Steam Combi Oven |
2024-04-30 |
12101370 |
DGC 7660 HC Pro cleanSteel GB |
Steam Combi Oven |
2024-04-30 |
12101380 |
DGC 7840 HC Pro brilliant white GB |
Steam Combi Oven |
2024-04-30 |
12101400 |
DGC 7840 HC Pro Graphite grey GB |
Steam Combi Oven |
2024-04-30 |
12101440 |
DGC 7840 HCX Pro brilliant white GB |
Steam Combi Oven |
2024-04-30 |
12101470 |
DGC 7845 HC Pro brilliant white GB |
Steam Combi Oven |
2024-04-30 |
12101480 |
DGC 7845 HC Pro Obsidian black GB |
Steam Combi Oven |
2024-04-30 |
12101490 |
DGC 7845 HC Pro Graphite grey GB |
Steam Combi Oven |
2024-04-30 |
12101510 |
DGC 7845 HCX Pro brilliant white GB |
Steam Combi Oven |
2024-04-30 |
12101530 |
DGC7845 HCX Pro GB GRGR 230/50 |
Steam Combi Oven |
2024-04-30 |
12101720 |
DGC 7865 HC Pro Graphite grey GB |
Steam Combi Oven |
2024-04-30 |
11825500 |
DGC 7450 cleanSteel GB |
Steam Combi Oven |
2024-04-30 |
12101280 |
DGC 7440 HCX Pro Obsidian black GB |
Steam Combi Oven |
2024-04-30 |
12101300 |
DGC 7460 HC Pro Obsidian black GB |
Steam Combi Oven |
2024-04-30 |
12101240 |
DGC 7440 HC Pro Graphite grey GB |
Steam Combi Oven |
2024-04-30 |
12101450 |
DGC 7840 HCX Pro Obsidian black GB |
Steam Combi Oven |
2024-04-30 |
12101670 |
DGC 7860 HC Pro Graphite grey GB |
Steam Combi Oven |
2024-04-30 |
12101410 |
DGC 7840 HC Pro cleanSteel GB |
Steam Combi Oven |
2024-04-30 |
12101680 |
DGC 7860 HC Pro cleanSteel GB |
Steam Combi Oven |
2024-04-30 |
12101690 |
DGC 7860 HCX Pro Obsidian black GB |
Steam Combi Oven |
2024-04-30 |
12101710 |
DGC 7865 HC Pro Obsidian black GB |
Steam Combi Oven |
2024-04-30 |
12101290 |
DGC7440 HCX Pro GB GRGR 230/50 |
Steam Combi Oven |
2024-04-30 |
12101740 |
DGC 7865 HC Pro cleanSteel GB |
Steam Combi Oven |
2024-04-30 |
12310230 |
DGC7840 HCX Pro GB OBSW/MATT 230/50 |
Steam Combi Oven |
2024-04-30 |
12310260 |
DGC7845 HCX Pro GB OBSW/MATT 230/50 |
Steam Combi Oven |
2024-04-30 |
12310270 |
DGC7860 HCX Pro GB OBSW/MATT 230/50 |
Steam Combi Oven |
2024-04-30 |
12310280 |
DGC7865 HCX Pro GB OBSW/MATT 230/50 |
Steam Combi Oven |
2024-04-30 |
12101520 |
DGC 7845 HCX Pro Obsidian black GB |
Steam Combi Oven |
2024-04-30 |
12101750 |
DGC 7865 HCX Pro Obsidian black GB |
Steam Combi Oven |
2024-04-30 |
11094600 |
DGC 7440 VitroLine |
Steam Combi Oven |
2024-04-30 |
11094590 |
DGC 7440 VitroLine |
Steam Combi Oven |
2024-04-30 |
11094650 |
DGC 7440 X ArtLine |
Steam Combi Oven |
2024-04-30 |
11094640 |
DGC 7440 X ArtLine |
Steam Combi Oven |
2024-04-30 |
11103500 |
DGC 7460 VitroLine |
Steam Combi Oven |
2024-04-30 |
11103490 |
DGC 7460 VitroLine |
Steam Combi Oven |
2024-04-30 |
11103530 |
DGC 7460 X ArtLine |
Steam Combi Oven |
2024-04-30 |
11103520 |
DGC 7460 X ArtLine |
Steam Combi Oven |
2024-04-30 |
11094760 |
DGC 7840 VitroLine |
Steam Combi Oven |
2024-04-30 |
11103620 |
DGC 7840 VitroLine |
Steam Combi Oven |
2024-04-30 |
11103610 |
DGC 7840 VitroLine |
Steam Combi Oven |
2024-04-30 |
11103580 |
DGC 7840 X ArtLine |
Steam Combi Oven |
2024-04-30 |
11103560 |
DGC 7840 X ArtLine |
Steam Combi Oven |
2024-04-30 |
11094800 |
DGC 7845 VitroLine |
Steam Combi Oven |
2024-04-30 |
11094690 |
DGC 7845 X ArtLine |
Steam Combi Oven |
2024-04-30 |
11094680 |
DGC 7845 X ArtLine |
Steam Combi Oven |
2024-04-30 |
11094790 |
DGC 7845 VitroLine |
Steam Combi Oven |
2024-04-30 |
11094780 |
DGC 7845 VitroLine |
Steam Combi Oven |
2024-04-30 |
11094810 |
DGC 7860 VitroLine |
Steam Combi Oven |
2024-04-30 |
11103770 |
DGC 7860 VitroLine |
Steam Combi Oven |
2024-04-30 |
11103760 |
DGC 7860 VitroLine |
Steam Combi Oven |
2024-04-30 |
11103840 |
DGC 7860 X ArtLine |
Steam Combi Oven |
2024-04-30 |
11103820 |
DGC 7860 X ArtLine |
Steam Combi Oven |
2024-04-30 |
11094840 |
DGC 7865 VitroLine |
Steam Combi Oven |
2024-04-30 |
11094850 |
DGC 7865 VitroLine |
Steam Combi Oven |
2024-04-30 |
11094830 |
DGC 7865 VitroLine |
Steam Combi Oven |
2024-04-30 |
11094890 |
DGC 7865 X ArtLine |
Steam Combi Oven |
2024-04-30 |
11094870 |
DGC 7865 X ArtLine |
Steam Combi Oven |
2024-04-30 |
11094400 |
DG2840 cleanSteel GB |
Steam Oven and Steam Micro |
2024-04-30 |
11094570 |
DGM7845 cleanSteel GB |
Steam Oven and Steam Micro |
2024-04-30 |
11094390 |
DG2740 cleanSteel GB |
Steam Oven and Steam Micro |
2024-04-30 |
11094490 |
DGM7640 cleanSteel GB |
Steam Oven and Steam Micro |
2024-04-30 |
11103440 |
DGM7840 GB OBSW 230/50 |
Steam Oven and Steam Micro |
2024-04-30 |
11103450 |
DGM7840 Graphite grey GB |
Steam Oven and Steam Micro |
2024-04-30 |
11094420 |
DG7240 cleanSteel GB |
Steam Oven and Steam Micro |
2024-04-30 |
11094440 |
DGM7340 cleanSteel GB |
Steam Oven and Steam Micro |
2024-04-30 |
11094410 |
DG7140 cleanSteel GB |
Steam Oven and Steam Micro |
2024-04-30 |
11094430 |
DG7440 cleanSteel GB |
Steam Oven and Steam Micro |
2024-04-30 |
11094480 |
DGM7440 cleanSteel GB |
Steam Oven and Steam Micro |
2024-04-30 |
11094550 |
DGM 7845 Graphite grey GB |
Steam Oven and Steam Micro |
2024-04-30 |
11094460 |
DGM7440 Obsidian black GB |
Steam Oven and Steam Micro |
2024-04-30 |
11094530 |
DGM7845 Obsidian black GB |
Steam Oven and Steam Micro |
2024-04-30 |
11094500 |
DGM7840 GB EDST/CLST 230/50 |
Steam Oven and Steam Micro |
2024-04-30 |
11094470 |
DGM7440 GB GRGR 230/50 |
Steam Oven and Steam Micro |
2024-04-30 |
11094450 |
DGM7440 GB BRWS 230/50 |
Steam Oven and Steam Micro |
2024-04-30 |
11094510 |
DGM7845 GB BRWS 230/50 |
Steam Oven and Steam Micro |
2024-04-30 |
11103430 |
DGM7840 GB BRWS 230/50 |
Steam Oven and Steam Micro |
2024-04-30 |
11094660 |
DGC 7460 XL PureLine |
Steam Oven and Steam Micro |
2024-04-30 |
11788070 |
G 7110 SC BW |
Auto Dos Dishwasher |
2024-04-30 |
11788080 |
G 7110 SC CLST |
Auto Dos Dishwasher |
2024-04-30 |
12423690 |
G 7130 SC BRWS |
Auto Dos Dishwasher |
2024-04-30 |
12423700 |
Auto Dos Dishwasher |
2024-04-30 |
11870240 |
G 7410 SC BW |
Auto Dos Dishwasher |
2024-04-30 |
11870250 |
G 7410 SC CLST |
Auto Dos Dishwasher |
2024-04-30 |
12423930 |
G 7600 SC BW |
Auto Dos Dishwasher |
2024-04-30 |
12423950 |
Auto Dos Dishwasher |
2024-04-30 |
12423960 |
G 7622 SC BW |
Auto Dos Dishwasher |
2024-04-30 |
11788090 |
G 7160 SCVi |
Auto Dos Dishwasher |
2024-04-30 |
11870280 |
G 7460 SCVi |
Auto Dos Dishwasher |
2024-04-30 |
12423970 |
G 7650 SCVi |
Auto Dos Dishwasher |
2024-04-30 |
11870310 |
G 7660 SCVi |
Auto Dos Dishwasher |
2024-04-30 |
12424000 |
G 7760 SCVi |
Auto Dos Dishwasher |
2024-04-30 |
12303790 |
G 7970 SCVi K2O |
Auto Dos Dishwasher |
2024-04-30 |
12424010 |
Auto Dos Dishwasher |
2024-04-30 |
11788100 |
G 7165 SCVi XXL |
Auto Dos Dishwasher |
2024-04-30 |
12423770 |
G 7185 SCVi XXL EDST |
Auto Dos Dishwasher |
2024-04-30 |
11870290 |
G 7465 SCVi XXL |
Auto Dos Dishwasher |
2024-04-30 |
12423980 |
G 7655 SCVi XXL |
Auto Dos Dishwasher |
2024-04-30 |
11870320 |
G 7975 SCVi K2O XXL |
Auto Dos Dishwasher |
2024-04-30 |
12424020 |
Auto Dos Dishwasher |
2024-04-30 |
11868170 |
G 7200 SC |
Auto Dos Dishwasher |
2024-04-30 |
11869770 |
G 7200 SC |
Auto Dos Dishwasher |
2024-04-30 |
11095350 |
G 7910 SCi |
Auto Dos Dishwasher |
2024-04-30 |
12153240 |
G 5150 SCVi |
Dishwasher |
2024-04-30 |
12153230 |
G 5150 Vi |
Dishwasher |
2024-04-30 |
12153250 |
G 5162 SCVI |
Dishwasher |
2024-04-30 |
12153390 |
G 5350 SCVi |
Dishwasher |
2024-04-30 |
12153420 |
G 5790 SCVI |
Dishwasher |
2024-04-30 |
12153210 |
G 5110 SC |
Dishwasher |
2024-04-30 |
12153220 |
G 5132 SC BW |
Dishwasher |
2024-04-30 |
12153260 |
G 5310 SC BW |
Dishwasher |
2024-04-30 |
12153270 |
G 5310 SC CLST |
Dishwasher |
2024-04-30 |
12153290 |
G 5332 SC BW |
Dishwasher |
2024-04-30 |
12153360 |
G 5332 SC CLST |
Dishwasher |
2024-04-30 |
12153410 |
G 5740 SC |
Dishwasher |
2024-04-30 |
12656350 |
G 5410 SC BW |
Dishwasher |
2024-04-30 |
12656360 |
G 5410 SC CLST |
Dishwasher |
2024-04-30 |
12656380 |
G 5432 SC BW |
Dishwasher |
2024-04-30 |
12656390 |
G 5432 SC CLST |
Dishwasher |
2024-04-30 |
12656400 |
G 5450 SCVi |
Dishwasher |
2024-04-30 |
12656410 |
G 5462 SCVi |
Dishwasher |
2024-04-30 |
11870270 |
G 7422 SC |
Dishwasher |
2024-04-30 |
12469660 |
G 7191 SCVi 125 Edition |
Dishwasher |
2024-04-30 |
11870300 |
G 7472 SCVi |
Dishwasher |
2024-04-30 |
12452890 |
G 7672 SCVi |
Dishwasher |
2024-04-30 |
11869830 |
G 7200 SCi WH |
Dishwasher |
2024-04-30 |
11869910 |
G 7200 SCi CLST |
Dishwasher |
2024-04-30 |
12423790 |
G 7210 SCi EDST/CLST |
Dishwasher |
2024-04-30 |
12188250 |
G 7280 SCVi Front Fit |
Dishwasher |
2024-04-30 |
12423920 |
G 7380 SCVi Front Fit |
Dishwasher |
2024-04-30 |
11495930 |
G 5260 SCVi |
Dishwasher |
2024-04-30 |
11550950 |
G 5430 SC |
Dishwasher |
2024-04-30 |
11495910 |
G 5210 SC |
Dishwasher |
2024-04-30 |
11871720 |
TCA220 WP |
Dryers |
2024-04-30 |
11871890 |
TCR780WP GB LW Eco&Steam&9kg |
Dryers |
2024-04-30 |
11871730 |
TEA225 WP |
Dryers |
2024-04-30 |
12487820 |
TEC665 WP 125 Edition |
Dryers |
2024-04-30 |
12487840 |
TWC660 WP 125 Edition |
Dryers |
2024-04-30 |
11871740 |
TED265 WP |
Dryers |
2024-04-30 |
11871820 |
TEF765WP GB LW EcoSpeed&8kg |
Dryers |
2024-04-30 |
11871830 |
TEH785WP GB LW EcoSpeed&9kg |
Dryers |
2024-04-30 |
11871900 |
TEL785WP GB LW EcoSpeed&Steam&9kg |
Dryers |
2024-04-30 |
11919160 |
TSA203WP Online hero |
Dryers |
2024-04-30 |
11871760 |
TSA223 WP |
Dryers |
2024-04-30 |
12487830 |
TSC663 WP 125 Edition |
Dryers |
2024-04-30 |
11871770 |
TSD263 WP |
Dryers |
2024-04-30 |
11871840 |
TSF763WP GB LW EcoSpeed&8kg |
Dryers |
2024-04-30 |
11871850 |
TSH783WP GB LW EcoSpeed&9kg |
Dryers |
2024-04-30 |
11871910 |
TSL783WP GB LW EcoSpeed&Steam&9kg |
Dryers |
2024-04-30 |
11871790 |
TWD260 WP |
Dryers |
2024-04-30 |
11871870 |
TWF760WP GB LW EcoSpeed&8kg |
Dryers |
2024-04-30 |
11871880 |
TWH780WP GB LW EcoSpeed&9kg |
Dryers |
2024-04-30 |
11871920 |
TWL780WP GB LW EcoSpeed&Steam&9kg |
Dryers |
2024-04-30 |
11871930 |
TWR780WP GB LW Eco&Steam&9kg |
Dryers |
2024-04-30 |
11876930 |
TWV780WP GB LW Passion |
Dryers |
2024-04-30 |
11360720 |
TCJ 660 WP |
Dryers |
2024-04-30 |
10995190 |
TWV 680 WP |
Dryers |
2024-04-30 |
11611990 |
WED665 WCS TDos & 8kg GB |
Twin Dos Washing Machine and Washer Dryer |
2024-04-30 |
11359270 |
WEG665 WCS TDos&9kg GB |
Twin Dos Washing Machine and Washer Dryer |
2024-04-30 |
11359340 |
WEI865 WCS PWash &TDos &9kg GB |
Twin Dos Washing Machine and Washer Dryer |
2024-04-30 |
11359360 |
WER865 WPS PWash &TDos &9kg GB |
Twin Dos Washing Machine and Washer Dryer |
2024-04-30 |
11612000 |
WSD663 WCS TDos & 8kg GB |
Twin Dos Washing Machine and Washer Dryer |
2024-04-30 |
11359310 |
WSG663 WCS TDos&9kg GB |
Twin Dos Washing Machine and Washer Dryer |
2024-04-30 |
11359350 |
WSI863 WCS PWash &TDos &9kg GB |
Twin Dos Washing Machine and Washer Dryer |
2024-04-30 |
11359370 |
WSR863 WPS PWash &TDos &9kg GB |
Twin Dos Washing Machine and Washer Dryer |
2024-04-30 |
11576550 |
WTR860WPM PWash &TDos 8/5 kg GB |
Twin Dos Washing Machine and Washer Dryer |
2024-04-30 |
11612020 |
WWD660 WCS TDos & 8kg GB |
Twin Dos Washing Machine and Washer Dryer |
2024-04-30 |
11359290 |
WWG660 WCS TDos&9kg GB |
Twin Dos Washing Machine and Washer Dryer |
2024-04-30 |
11359330 |
WWI860 WCS PWash TDos 9kg GB |
Twin Dos Washing Machine and Washer Dryer |
2024-04-30 |
10994870 |
WWR860WPS PWash2.0&TDosXL WiFi GB |
Twin Dos Washing Machine and Washer Dryer |
2024-04-30 |
10994880 |
WWV980 WPS Passion GB |
Twin Dos Washing Machine and Washer Dryer |
2024-04-30 |
11456160 |
Washing Machine and Washer Dryer |
2024-04-30 |
11456170 |
Washing Machine and Washer Dryer |
2024-04-30 |
11810560 |
WCD020 WCS |
Washing Machine and Washer Dryer |
2024-04-30 |
11331950 |
WDD131 WPS GuideLine GB |
Washing Machine and Washer Dryer |
2024-04-30 |
11456180 |
Washing Machine and Washer Dryer |
2024-04-30 |
12453900 |
WEB385WCS GB LW PWash&Steam&8kg |
Washing Machine and Washer Dryer |
2024-04-30 |
12518650 |
WEB685WCS GB LW TDos&Steam&8kg |
Washing Machine and Washer Dryer |
2024-04-30 |
11810580 |
WED025 WCS |
Washing Machine and Washer Dryer |
2024-04-30 |
12149030 |
WED164WCS GB LW 9kg |
Washing Machine and Washer Dryer |
2024-04-30 |
11358790 |
WED325 WCS PWash&8kg GB |
Washing Machine and Washer Dryer |
2024-04-30 |
11359250 |
WEG365 WCS PWash&9kg GB |
Washing Machine and Washer Dryer |
2024-04-30 |
12392770 |
WEK365WCS GB LW Pwash&10kg |
Washing Machine and Washer Dryer |
2024-04-30 |
11873000 |
WSA003 Online Hero |
Washing Machine and Washer Dryer |
2024-04-30 |
11456200 |
Washing Machine and Washer Dryer |
2024-04-30 |
12453930 |
WSB383WCS GB LW PWash&Steam&8kg |
Washing Machine and Washer Dryer |
2024-04-30 |
12453920 |
WSB683WCS GB LW TDos&Steam&8kg |
Washing Machine and Washer Dryer |
2024-04-30 |
11810600 |
WSD023 WCS |
Washing Machine and Washer Dryer |
2024-04-30 |
12149040 |
WSD164WCS GB LW 9kg |
Washing Machine and Washer Dryer |
2024-04-30 |
11358830 |
WSD323 WCS PWash&8kg GB |
Washing Machine and Washer Dryer |
2024-04-30 |
11359300 |
WSG363 WCS PWash&9kg GB |
Washing Machine and Washer Dryer |
2024-04-30 |
12392790 |
WSK363 GB LW Pwash&10kg |
Washing Machine and Washer Dryer |
2024-04-30 |
11576570 |
WTD160 WCS 8/5 kg GB |
Washing Machine and Washer Dryer |
2024-04-30 |
11576580 |
WTD163 WCS 8/5 kg GB |
Washing Machine and Washer Dryer |
2024-04-30 |
11576590 |
WTD165 WPM 8/5 kg GB |
Washing Machine and Washer Dryer |
2024-04-30 |
12453940 |
WWB380WCS GB LW PWash&Steam&8kg |
Washing Machine and Washer Dryer |
2024-04-30 |
12453950 |
WWB680WCS GB LW TDos&Steam&8kg |
Washing Machine and Washer Dryer |
2024-04-30 |
11810620 |
WWD020 WCS |
Washing Machine and Washer Dryer |
2024-04-30 |
12149050 |
WWD164WCS GB LW 9kg |
Washing Machine and Washer Dryer |
2024-04-30 |
11358810 |
WWD320 WCS PWash&8kg GB |
Washing Machine and Washer Dryer |
2024-04-30 |
11359280 |
WWG360 WCS PWash&9kg GB |
Washing Machine and Washer Dryer |
2024-04-30 |
12392780 |
WWK360 GB LW Pwash&10kg |
Washing Machine and Washer Dryer |
2024-04-30 |
10799940 |
F 31202 Ui |
Built In Freezer Fridge Freezer |
2024-04-30 |
12379980 |
F 31202 Ui-1 |
Built In Freezer Fridge Freezer |
2024-04-30 |
11643190 |
FNS 7140 E |
Built In Freezer Fridge Freezer |
2024-04-30 |
12449050 |
FNS 7140 C |
Built In Freezer Fridge Freezer |
2024-04-30 |
12565320 |
FNS 7710 E |
Built In Freezer Fridge Freezer |
2024-04-30 |
11730390 |
FNS 7770 E |
Built In Freezer Fridge Freezer |
2024-04-30 |
12387660 |
FNS 7740 D 125 Gala Edition |
Built In Freezer Fridge Freezer |
2024-04-30 |
12443640 |
FNS 7774 D |
Built In Freezer Fridge Freezer |
2024-04-30 |
11730400 |
FNS 7794 E |
Built In Freezer Fridge Freezer |
2024-04-30 |
12443650 |
FNS 7794 D |
Built In Freezer Fridge Freezer |
2024-04-30 |
11904540 |
KFN 7734 D |
Built In Freezer Fridge Freezer |
2024-04-30 |
12050370 |
KDN 7724 E |
Built In Freezer Fridge Freezer |
2024-04-30 |
12142670 |
KDN 7713 E |
Built In Freezer Fridge Freezer |
2024-04-30 |
12050360 |
KDN 7714 E |
Built In Freezer Fridge Freezer |
2024-04-30 |
12336440 |
KFN 7734 C |
Built In Freezer Fridge Freezer |
2024-04-30 |
11730420 |
KFN 7764 D |
Built In Freezer Fridge Freezer |
2024-04-30 |
12445180 |
KFN 7764 C |
Built In Freezer Fridge Freezer |
2024-04-30 |
12445200 |
KFN 7785 C |
Built In Freezer Fridge Freezer |
2024-04-30 |
12445210 |
KFN 7795 C |
Built In Freezer Fridge Freezer |
2024-04-30 |
11730410 |
KFN 7714 F |
Built In Freezer Fridge Freezer |
2024-04-30 |
10614720 |
KFN 37132 iD |
Built In Freezer Fridge Freezer |
2024-04-30 |
11642000 |
KFN 7733 F |
Built In Freezer Fridge Freezer |
2024-04-30 |
11642230 |
KFN 7785 D |
Built In Freezer Fridge Freezer |
2024-04-30 |
11642680 |
KFN 7795 D |
Built In Freezer Fridge Freezer |
2024-04-30 |
10799670 |
K 31222 Ui |
Built In Fridge |
2024-04-30 |
12364360 |
K 31222 Ui-1 |
Built In Fridge |
2024-04-30 |
10799640 |
K 31242 UiF |
Built In Fridge |
2024-04-30 |
12364370 |
K 31242 Ui F-1 |
Built In Fridge |
2024-04-30 |
11641270 |
K 7433 E |
Built In Fridge |
2024-04-30 |
12565340 |
K 7715 E |
Built In Fridge |
2024-04-30 |
11729580 |
K 7733 E |
Built In Fridge |
2024-04-30 |
12444440 |
K 7737 D |
Built In Fridge |
2024-04-30 |
11904530 |
K 7743 E |
Built In Fridge |
2024-04-30 |
12387630 |
K 7747 C 125 Gala Edition |
Built In Fridge |
2024-04-30 |
11729590 |
K 7763 E |
Built In Fridge |
2024-04-30 |
12444860 |
K 7767 D |
Built In Fridge |
2024-04-30 |
11729610 |
K 7793 E |
Built In Fridge |
2024-04-30 |
12444970 |
K 7797 C |
Built In Fridge |
2024-04-30 |
12269690 |
K 7125 E |
Built In Fridge |
2024-04-30 |
11729570 |
K 7113 F |
Built In Fridge |
2024-04-30 |
12057030 |
KFN 4395 DD |
Freestanding Fridge Freezer |
2024-04-30 |
12392400 |
KFN 4397 CD el 125 Edition |
Freestanding Fridge Freezer |
2024-04-30 |
11951810 |
KFN 4795 DD bst |
Freestanding Fridge Freezer |
2024-04-30 |
12430860 |
KFN 4795 AD bst |
Freestanding Fridge Freezer |
2024-04-30 |
11951660 |
KFN 4795 DD bb |
Freestanding Fridge Freezer |
2024-04-30 |
12335890 |
KFN 4795 CD bb |
Freestanding Fridge Freezer |
2024-04-30 |
12156970 |
KFN 4898 AD grgr |
Freestanding Fridge Freezer |
2024-04-30 |
12521940 |
KFN 4898 A-10 bs |
Freestanding Fridge Freezer |
2024-04-30 |
12057210 |
KD 4050 E |
Freestanding Fridge Freezer |
2024-04-30 |
12057190 |
KD 4072 E |
Freestanding Fridge Freezer |
2024-04-30 |
12057200 |
KD 4052 E |
Freestanding Fridge Freezer |
2024-04-30 |
12057180 |
KD 4072 E |
Freestanding Fridge Freezer |
2024-04-30 |
12057230 |
KD 4172 E |
Freestanding Fridge Freezer |
2024-04-30 |
12057050 |
KFN 4374 ED |
Freestanding Fridge Freezer |
2024-04-30 |
12057060 |
KFN 4394 ED |
Freestanding Fridge Freezer |
2024-04-30 |
12057080 |
KFN 4391 ED |
Freestanding Fridge Freezer |
2024-04-30 |
10670840 |
KFN 28132 D |
Freestanding Fridge Freezer |
2024-04-30 |
11213670 |
KFN 29162 D |
Freestanding Fridge Freezer |
2024-04-30 |
10153920 |
KFN 29283 D |
Freestanding Fridge Freezer |
2024-04-30 |
10242900 |
KFN 29233 D BB |
Freestanding Fridge Freezer |
2024-04-30 |
9275770 |
F 12011 S-1 |
Freestanding Upright Fridge & Freezer |
2024-04-30 |
9275780 |
F 12020 S-2 |
Freestanding Upright Fridge & Freezer |
2024-04-30 |
12389290 |
F 4001 D ws GB |
Freestanding Upright Fridge & Freezer |
2024-04-30 |
12056590 |
FN 4322 E |
Freestanding Upright Fridge & Freezer |
2024-04-30 |
12431410 |
FN 4322 D ws-1 |
Freestanding Upright Fridge & Freezer |
2024-04-30 |
12056760 |
FN 4722 E |
Freestanding Upright Fridge & Freezer |
2024-04-30 |
12430350 |
FNS 4382 D el |
Freestanding Upright Fridge & Freezer |
2024-04-30 |
12430440 |
FNS 4382 D ws |
Freestanding Upright Fridge & Freezer |
2024-04-30 |
12056930 |
FNS 4382 E el |
Freestanding Upright Fridge & Freezer |
2024-04-30 |
12056940 |
FNS 4382 E ws |
Freestanding Upright Fridge & Freezer |
2024-04-30 |
9275690 |
K 12010 S-2 |
Freestanding Upright Fridge & Freezer |
2024-04-30 |
9275740 |
K 12020 S-1 |
Freestanding Upright Fridge & Freezer |
2024-04-30 |
12389240 |
K 4003 D ws GB |
Freestanding Upright Fridge & Freezer |
2024-04-30 |
12430990 |
KS 4383 DD el |
Freestanding Upright Fridge & Freezer |
2024-04-30 |
12431040 |
KS 4383 DD ws |
Freestanding Upright Fridge & Freezer |
2024-04-30 |
12056960 |
KS 4383 ED el |
Freestanding Upright Fridge & Freezer |
2024-04-30 |
12056950 |
KS 4383 ED ws |
Freestanding Upright Fridge & Freezer |
2024-04-30 |
10850990 |
FN 28262 |
Freestanding Upright Fridge & Freezer |
2024-04-30 |
10243300 |
FN 28262 |
Freestanding Upright Fridge & Freezer |
2024-04-30 |
10243430 |
K 28202 D |
Freestanding Upright Fridge & Freezer |
2024-04-30 |
12021710 |
F 2413 Vi Mastercool Freezer LHH |
Mastercool |
2024-04-30 |
12366260 |
F 2813 Vi Mastercool Freezer LHH |
Mastercool |
2024-04-30 |
11530800 |
K 2802 Vi GB |
Mastercool |
2024-04-30 |
11530810 |
K 2902 Vi GB |
Mastercool |
2024-04-30 |
11530830 |
KF 2802 Vi GB |
Mastercool |
2024-04-30 |
11530840 |
KF 2902 Vi GB |
Mastercool |
2024-04-30 |
11530900 |
KWT 2612 Vi GB |
Mastercool |
2024-04-30 |
11530910 |
KWT 2672 ViS GB |
Mastercool |
2024-04-30 |
11530870 |
F 2412 Vi |
Mastercool |
2024-04-30 |
11530890 |
F 2672 Vi |
Mastercool |
2024-04-30 |
11530860 |
KF 2982 Vi |
Mastercool |
2024-04-30 |
11499130 |
KFP 3025 |
Mastercool |
2024-04-30 |
11499150 |
KFP 3625 |
Mastercool |
2024-04-30 |
10982930 |
KFN 3634 R |
Mastercool |
2024-04-30 |
11499420 |
KFN 3635 |
Mastercool |
2024-04-30 |
11499020 |
KFP 1805 |
Mastercool |
2024-04-30 |
11499120 |
KFP 3015 |
Mastercool |
2024-04-30 |
11499140 |
KFP 3615 |
Mastercool |
2024-04-30 |
KFP 2445 |
Mastercool |
2024-04-30 |
11499080 |
KFP 3005 |
Mastercool |
2024-04-30 |
11499100 |
KFP 3605 |
Mastercool |
2024-04-30 |
11499630 |
KFP 2455 |
Mastercool |
2024-04-30 |
12156930 |
KWT 4584 E sw |
Wine Conditioning Freestanding |
2024-04-30 |
10409080 |
KWT 6833 SG |
Wine Conditioning Freestanding |
2024-04-30 |
12156840 |
KWT 4995 F obsw |
Wine Conditioning Freestanding |
2024-04-30 |
10409090 |
KWT 6834 SGS |
Wine Conditioning Freestanding |
2024-04-30 |
12156870 |
KWT 4999 F obsw |
Wine Conditioning Freestanding |
2024-04-30 |
9850160 |
KWT 6321 UG |
Wine Conditioning Undercounter and Built In |
2024-04-30 |
9850200 |
KWT 6322 UG |
Wine Conditioning Undercounter and Built In |
2024-04-30 |
12497050 |
KWT 6322 UG-1 |
Wine Conditioning Undercounter and Built In |
2024-04-30 |
10737480 |
KWT 6422 iG |
Wine Conditioning Undercounter and Built In |
2024-04-30 |
12364280 |
KWT 6422 iG-1 obsw |
Wine Conditioning Undercounter and Built In |
2024-04-30 |
10737540 |
KWT 6722 iGS |
Wine Conditioning Undercounter and Built In |
2024-04-30 |
12364310 |
KWT 6722 iGS-1 |
Wine Conditioning Undercounter and Built In |
2024-04-30 |
11186560 |
KWT 7112 iG ED EU1 |
Wine Conditioning Undercounter and Built In |
2024-04-30 |
11186570 |
KWT 7112 iG GR EU1 |
Wine Conditioning Undercounter and Built In |
2024-04-30 |
11186580 |
KWT 7112 iG SW EU1 |
Wine Conditioning Undercounter and Built In |
2024-04-30 |
11164630 |
CVA7440 cleanSteel GB |
Coffee Built In |
2024-04-30 |
11164620 |
CVA7440 Obsidian black GB |
Coffee Built In |
2024-04-30 |
11164640 |
CVA7445 cleanSteel GB |
Coffee Built In |
2024-04-30 |
11164590 |
CVA7440 Graphite grey GB |
Coffee Built In |
2024-04-30 |
11164660 |
CVA7845 brilliant white GB |
Coffee Built In |
2024-04-30 |
11164700 |
CVA7845 cleanSteel GB |
Coffee Built In |
2024-04-30 |
11164610 |
CVA7440 brilliant white GB |
Coffee Built In |
2024-04-30 |
11164650 |
CVA7840 cleanSteel GB |
Coffee Built In |
2024-04-30 |
11164670 |
CVA7845 Obsidian black GB |
Coffee Built In |
2024-04-30 |
11164690 |
CVA7845 Graphite grey GB |
Coffee Built In |
2024-04-30 |
12388770 |
Coffee Built In |
2024-04-30 |
11525190 |
CM5310 Obsidian black GB |
Coffee Countertop |
2024-04-30 |
11525150 |
CM5510 Rosé gold PF GB |
Coffee Countertop |
2024-04-30 |
11687030 |
CM 5310 Silence tayberry red GB |
Coffee Countertop |
2024-04-30 |
11590230 |
CM6360 Obsidianschw.CM GB |
Coffee Countertop |
2024-04-30 |
11525230 |
CM5410 Obsidian black GB |
Coffee Countertop |
2024-04-30 |
11590250 |
CM6560 Obsidianschw.PF GB |
Coffee Countertop |
2024-04-30 |
11590240 |
CM6560 Graphite grey P GB |
Coffee Countertop |
2024-04-30 |
10969350 |
CM7750 Obsidian black GB |
Coffee Countertop |
2024-04-30 |
12531160 |
CM7750 Matt black GB |
Coffee Countertop |
2024-04-30 |
11590210 |
CM6160 lotus white GB |
Coffee Countertop |
2024-04-30 |
11525170 |
CM5510 Alu-Silber-met. GB |
Coffee Countertop |
2024-04-30 |
11590220 |
CM6160 Obsidian black GB |
Coffee Countertop |
2024-04-30 |
10969340 |
CM7550 GB OBSW |
Coffee Countertop |
2024-04-30 |
12140370 |
CM 5315 Active |
Coffee Countertop |
2024-04-30 |
7222770 |
B 995 D |
Ironers |
2024-04-30 |
7222710 |
B990 GB |
Ironers |
2024-04-30 |
11977940 |
B 4826 FashionMaster GB |
Ironers |
2024-04-30 |
12034070 |
Blizzard CX1 Cat&Dog Mango Red |
Vacuum Blizzard and C3 |
2024-04-30 |
12034120 |
Blizzard CX1 Cat&Dog Flex Graphite Grey |
Vacuum Blizzard and C3 |
2024-04-30 |
12034140 |
Blizzard CX1 Comfort XL Lotus White |
Vacuum Blizzard and C3 |
2024-04-30 |
12034100 |
Blizzard CX1 Flex Lotus White |
Vacuum Blizzard and C3 |
2024-04-30 |
12034050 |
Blizzard CX1 Graphite Grey |
Vacuum Blizzard and C3 |
2024-04-30 |
12032360 |
Complete C3 Graphite Grey |
Vacuum Blizzard and C3 |
2024-04-30 |
12031840 |
Complete C3 Mango Red |
Vacuum Blizzard and C3 |
2024-04-30 |
12457840 |
Complete C3 125 Edition Lotus White |
Vacuum Blizzard and C3 |
2024-04-30 |
12457850 |
Complete C3 125 Edition Marine Blue |
Vacuum Blizzard and C3 |
2024-04-30 |
12175710 |
Complete C3 Active - CM Petrol Blue |
Vacuum Blizzard and C3 |
2024-04-30 |
12032400 |
Complete C3 Allergy Tech Blue |
Vacuum Blizzard and C3 |
2024-04-30 |
12031860 |
Complete C3 Allergy Lotus White |
Vacuum Blizzard and C3 |
2024-04-30 |
12031880 |
Complete C3 Cat&Dog Blackberry |
Vacuum Blizzard and C3 |
2024-04-30 |
12137590 |
Complete C3 Cat&Dog Mango Red |
Vacuum Blizzard and C3 |
2024-04-30 |
12031930 |
Complete C3 Cat&Dog Flex Mango Red |
Vacuum Blizzard and C3 |
2024-04-30 |
12032320 |
Complete C3 Comfort XL Marine Blue |
Vacuum Blizzard and C3 |
2024-04-30 |
12031900 |
Complete C3 Flex Yellow |
Vacuum Blizzard and C3 |
2024-04-30 |
12032230 |
Complete C3 Parquet XL Obsidian Black |
Vacuum Blizzard and C3 |
2024-04-30 |
11819070 |
Complete C3 Select |
Vacuum Blizzard and C3 |
2024-04-30 |
10660860 |
Complete C3 Allergy PowerLine |
Vacuum Blizzard and C3 |
2024-04-30 |
10660900 |
Complete C3 Parquet PowerLine |
Vacuum Blizzard and C3 |
2024-04-30 |
11819080 |
Complete C3 Select Parquet |
Vacuum Blizzard and C3 |
2024-04-30 |
11085190 |
Complete C3 Cat & Dog Powerline Pro |
Vacuum Blizzard and C3 |
2024-04-30 |
11154800 |
Blizzard CX1 Powerline Series 120 |
Vacuum Blizzard and C3 |
2024-04-30 |
10661210 |
Blizzard CX1 Powerline Excellence |
Vacuum Blizzard and C3 |
2024-04-30 |
10661220 |
Blizzard CX1 Powerline Cat & Dog |
Vacuum Blizzard and C3 |
2024-04-30 |
11666840 |
Boost CX1 Lotus White |
Vacuum Boost C1 C2 |
2024-04-30 |
11666860 |
Boost CX1 Graphite Grey |
Vacuum Boost C1 C2 |
2024-04-30 |
11666850 |
Boost CX1 Obsidian Black |
Vacuum Boost C1 C2 |
2024-04-30 |
11666820 |
Boost CX1 Parquet |
Vacuum Boost C1 C2 |
2024-04-30 |
11666830 |
Boost CX1 Cat & Dog Obsidian Black |
Vacuum Boost C1 C2 |
2024-04-30 |
12029910 |
Classic C1 Mango Red |
Vacuum Boost C1 C2 |
2024-04-30 |
12029920 |
Classic C1 Flex Lotus White |
Vacuum Boost C1 C2 |
2024-04-30 |
12029900 |
Classic C1 Junior Tech Blue |
Vacuum Boost C1 C2 |
2024-04-30 |
12030370 |
Compact C2 Marine Blue |
Vacuum Boost C1 C2 |
2024-04-30 |
12030390 |
Compact C2 Cat & Dog Mango Red |
Vacuum Boost C1 C2 |
2024-04-30 |
12137580 |
Compact C2 Cat & Dog Flex Mango Red |
Vacuum Boost C1 C2 |
2024-04-30 |
12030400 |
Compact C2 Flex Petrol Blue |
Vacuum Boost C1 C2 |
2024-04-30 |
12034890 |
Complete C2 Lotus White |
Vacuum Boost C1 C2 |
2024-04-30 |
12034830 |
Complete C2 Cat & Dog Mango Red |
Vacuum Boost C1 C2 |
2024-04-30 |
12034860 |
Complete C2 Flex Obsidian Black |
Vacuum Boost C1 C2 |
2024-04-30 |
12034810 |
Complete C2 Tango Mango Red |
Vacuum Boost C1 C2 |
2024-04-30 |
10660630 |
Classic C1 Junior PowerLine |
Vacuum Boost C1 C2 |
2024-04-30 |
10665860 |
Complete C2 PowerLine |
Vacuum Boost C1 C2 |
2024-04-30 |
10660740 |
Complete C2 PowerLine |
Vacuum Boost C1 C2 |
2024-04-30 |
12175530 |
CX1 Boost Active |
Vacuum Boost C1 C2 |
2024-04-30 |
12532840 |
Duoflex HX1 CarCare Space Grey |
Vacuum Handstick Scout |
2024-04-30 |
12377940 |
Duoflex HX1 Cat & Dog Obsidian Black |
Vacuum Handstick Scout |
2024-04-30 |
12377960 |
Duoflex HX1 Extra Lotus White |
Vacuum Handstick Scout |
2024-04-30 |
12377910 |
Duoflex HX1 Nordic Blue |
Vacuum Handstick Scout |
2024-04-30 |
12377930 |
Duoflex HX1 Sunset Yellow |
Vacuum Handstick Scout |
2024-04-30 |
12377890 |
Duoflex HX1 Terra Red |
Vacuum Handstick Scout |
2024-04-30 |
12377970 |
Duoflex HX1 TotalCare Rose Gold |
Vacuum Handstick Scout |
2024-04-30 |
11830090 |
Scout RX3 Obsidian Black |
Vacuum Handstick Scout |
2024-04-30 |
11830070 |
Scout RX3 Home Vision HD Bronze Pearl |
Vacuum Handstick Scout |
2024-04-30 |
11830080 |
Scout RX3 Runner Bronze Pearl |
Vacuum Handstick Scout |
2024-04-30 |
11819130 |
Triflex HX1 Facelift Obsidian Black |
Vacuum Handstick Scout |
2024-04-30 |
12174980 |
Triflex HX1 Active |
Vacuum Handstick Scout |
2024-04-30 |
11819170 |
Triflex HX2 Lotus White |
Vacuum Handstick Scout |
2024-04-30 |
11819180 |
Triflex HX2 Cat & Dog Obsidian Black |
Vacuum Handstick Scout |
2024-04-30 |
11819190 |
Triflex HX2 Pro infinity Grey |
Vacuum Handstick Scout |
2024-04-30 |
Appendix 3: Further winner selection information
Promotion overview
Miele consumers are given the chance to win prizes by purchasing at least one Miele product. Evidence of purchase is submitted via a promotion website. Theconsumer gains one entry into a monthly and grand prize draw based on the category of product(s) they have purchased.
Chance to win allocation
When a consumer submits an entry via the promotion website they list each product they have purchased by selecting the product category and entering the product serial number. Each product category has a predetermined ‘points’ value. The consumer gains one chance to win in the current monthly draw and one chance to win in the grand prize draw for each product category point relating to their purchase(s).
Monthly Draw
Each website entry form submission creates an Entry record. Then, for each product category point allocated, a DrawEntry record is created for the Entry. A DrawEntry record represents one chance to win in the monthly draw, a bit like a raffle ticket.
One monthly winner is selected at random from the pool of DrawEntries therefore guaranteeing a prize win. Their serial number and other purchase data is validated before they are contacted. If their purchase is invalid their entry is rejected and the draw process runs again until an eligible winner is found.
Grand Prize Draw
Each website entry form submission creates an Entry record. Then, for each product category point allocated, a DrawEntry record is created for the Entry. A DrawEntry record represents one chance to win in the final grand prize draw, a bit like a raffle ticket. The provisional winning serial number and other purchase data is validated before the winner is contacted. If their purchase is invalid their entry is rejected and the draw process runs again until an eligible grand prize winner is found.
Activate your free 2 year warranty
Terms and Conditions
Duration and start of the warranty
The warranty is granted for the following period:
- 24 month on domestic appliances, presuming proper use
- The warranty period commences with the date of purchase
- Work under warranty and spares replaced under warranty do not prolong the warranty period.
Warranty conditions
This warranty will only apply where:
- Machine is purchased from an authorised specialist retailer or directly from Miele in an EU member state, in Switzerland or Norway where it was also installed.
- Proof of warranty is produced at the request of the service technician.
Warranty cover
- Machine defects are remedied free of charge within a reasonable period after notification by the consumer either through repair or the replacement of the affected components.
- This warranty contains our promise to repair or replace your product, subject to these conditions, and does not apply to any other claims relating to the product or our service.
- The provision of consumables and accessories is not covered by this agreement.
Invalidation of warranty
Faults and problems originating from the following are not covered by this warranty:
- Improper installation, e.g. non-compliance with relevant safety standards and written operating and installation instructions.
- Improper use and operational demands, such as the use of unsuitable detergents or chemicals.
- A machine purchased in another EU member state, in Switzerland or Norway may not be suitable for use or may not be subject to restrictions on use on account of variant technical specifications.
- External factors such as damage caused through transportation, impact and jolting, inclement environmental conditions or natural phenomena.
- Repairs and modifications performed by service agents not trained or authorised by Miele Ireland.
- The use of non-genuine Miele spare parts or accessories which have not been authorised by Miele.
- Parts subject to wear and tear, such as light bulbs, etc.
- Defects resulting from fluctuations in power supply conditions which exceed the tolerances stated by the manufacturer.
- Failure to perform cleaning and care work in compliance with the operating instructions.
Data Protection
Personal data will only be used to fulfill commitments pursuant to processing warranty claims in full compliance with data protection legislation.
Duration and start of cover by the Extended Warranty
- Miele Ireland grants a 2 year guarantee from the date of purchase of the unit. With the Extended Warranty, Miele Ireland covers the cost of repairs for a further 8 years immediately after the guarantee period. The validity period is shown on the front of the certificate. (Repair of the machine or the provision of spare parts does not extend the period of the contract).
- Depending on the order placement the certificate will either be provided by the technician on site, email or mail.
- The machine has been purchased from an authorised specialist retailer or directly from Miele in an EU country, Switzerland or Norway.
- At time of purchase of the Extended Warranty residence and location of the unit are within Ireland. •The certificate is only valid for one specific Miele machine in each case and is non-transferable.
- If the ownership of the machine changes or if the owner moves to a different address, Miele must be informed so that the certificate remains valid.
- The certificate must be registered and taken out within a 28 day period after purchase.
- The services within the framework of the certificate will only be provided within the EU, Switzerland and Norway.
- If requested, the purchase receipt and the certificate, which must show the name and address of the customer, are to be shown to the service technician.
- A unit with certificate is for non-commercial use only.
Cover and range of the Extended Warranty
- Machine defects will be remedied free of charge within a reasonable period either through repair or the replacement of the affected parts. All travel costs, call out charges, labour and spare parts will be assumed by Miele Ireland. Exchange parts or appliances become the property of Miele Ireland.
- Services within the framework of the certificate may only be service agents authorised by Miele Ireland.
- If the machine is beyond economic repair or if repair is impossible, the customer will be provided with an identical or equivalent new machine. Alternatively, if requested, the appropriate current market value of the machine may be reimbursed. If the current market value of the appliance is reimbursed by Miele, the certificate becomes invalid. If the machine is replaced, the remaining period of cover provided by the certificate is transferred to the new unit.
- The Extended Warranty does not cover any further claims for damage against Miele Ireland, except in cases resulting from gross or wilful negligence on the part of the technical service agent commissioned by Miele Ireland.
- The provision of consumables and accessories is not covered by this agreement.
Limitations of the Extended Warranty
The Extended Warranty will not cover costs for repairs where a fault is due to the following:
- Improper installation, e.g non -compliance with relevant safety regulations and written operating and installation instructions.
- Improper use and operation, such as the use of unsuitable detergents or chemicals.
- A machine purchased in another EU member state, Switzerland or Norway may not be suitable for use or may be subject to restrictions on use on account of different technical specifications.
- External factors such as damage caused through transportation, impact and jolting, inclement environmental conditions or natural phenomena.
- Repairs or modifications not performed by service agents trained and authorised by Miele.
- Failure to use genuine Miele spare parts or accessories authorised by Miele.
- Glass breakage and defective bulbs.
- Fluctuations in power supply conditions which exceed the tolerances stated by the manufacturer.
- Failure to perform cleaning and care work in compliance with the operating instructions.
Data protection
Personal data will only be used for the purpose of fulfilling commitments regarding the contract and in full compliance with data protection legislation.
Right of withdrawal
This contract can be revoked in writing (e.g letter, fax. Email) within 2 weeks, without stating reasons. The period commences with receipt of this notification at the earliest. The submission date is sufficient to comply with the deadline. The notice of cancellation must be addressed to:
Miele Ireland
Customer Care Dept.
Workways Belgard, Block 5 High St, Tallaght, Dublin 24, D24 YK8N, Ireland
Miele Services – Price and Payment Options
Term and Conditions
Price and Payment
When it comes to servicing your appliance, you can pay our standard service charge.
Standard Service Charge
Our service visit charges are set out on our website in Euro and includes VAT at the applicable rate. The price for your service visit (and the basis of any charges we cannot calculate in advance) will be indicated on the order pages when you place your order or will be confirmed during your phone booking:
- Call‐out charges include the first hour of labour; additional time after that first hour is based on an hourly rate
- Replacement spare parts are charged as extra – your technician will advise you of the cost of spares;
- Where our technician advises (at its sole discretion) that your appliance is beyond repair, the payment for the standard service fee will be transferred across to the cost of a new machine and we shall be under no obligation to repair your appliance.
- Should the appliance require lifting assistance due to installation restrictions, an additional charge of €40 will be applied.
We take all reasonable care to ensure that the prices advised to you are correct. If, in the course of a service visit, it becomes apparent that further work is needed on your appliance beyond that covered in your order, the technician will agree the costs of that additional work with you.
In some cases, and where stated during the order process, we require advance payment before we start the services. Where you have made advance payment we will invoice you for the balance of the price of the services when we have completed them. In all other cases, you will need to make payment on completion of the services.
We accept payment by all major credit and debit cards, but we are unable to accept cash payment.
Nothing in this paragraph affects your legal rights to cancel the contract during the 14 day cancellation period, for further details please see Section O.
If the appliance cannot be repaired or is beyond economic repair, the customer can choose to purchase a replacement appliance through Miele Ireland (incl. Republic of Ireland & Northern Ireland) directly, the cost of the standard call out fee will be deducted from the appliance price. If the customer chooses not to replace the appliance directly with Miele, Miele Ireland (incl. Republic of Ireland & Northern Ireland) will refund the standard call out fee. To request such a refund, email contact@miele-support.ie by providing the service order number along with proof of purchase. This offer will remain available up to 90 days after the technician's visit.
1. Scope of Application, Contract Language, Saving of the Contract Text
1.1 These Miele General Terms and Conditions for Professional Repairer (Terms) shall apply to:
- the use of the Miele Professional Repairer Store (the Store);
- the purchase and/or ordering of (1) Miele spare parts for Professional Repairer (Parts), (2) Miele software and other digital products for Professional Repairer (Digital Products) and (3) free-of-charge and chargeable access to repair and maintenance information for Professional Repairer (Services) via the Store.
1.2 The Contract Language is English.
1.3 Please read these Terms carefully before You submit Your order to us. These Terms tell You who we are, how we will provide Parts, Digital Products and Services to You, how You and we may change or end the contract, what to do if there is a problem and other important information. If You think that there is a mistake in these Terms, please contact us to discuss. These terms are available in the Store. You may review these Terms and your previous orders in your customer account in the Store. You may also review, download, save and print the Terms on this same page.
2. Prerequisites for the use of the Store
Customer Account
2.1 You need a registration and an account for the Store in order to use the Store. After entering your data, You can end the registration process by clicking the “Register” button and a registration application will be automatically sent to Miele. Miele decides on the acceptance of the registration application at its own discretion. Miele is entitled to require the Professional Repairer to demonstrate that (i) the Professional Repairer has the technical competence to repair domestic appliances and complies with the applicable regulations for repairers of electrical equipment in the Member States where it operates and (ii) the Professional Repairer is covered by insurance covering liabilities resulting from its activity regardless of whether this is required by the Member State. Miele shall accept or refuse the registration within five (5) working days from the date of the request. If Miele accepts the registration application, Miele will confirm Your successful registration on the Store or by e-mail. Upon successful registration, an account is created for you and you can login by using your access data (e-mail address and password).
Further Prerequisites
2.2 In order to use our Digital Products and/or Services, You have to ensure that You fulfil all prerequisites stipulated for the respective Digital Product or Service. You will find all specific prerequisites for Digital Products and/or Services in the respective description for the Digital Product or Service.
3. Conclusion of Contract and Correction of Input Errors
The availability of our Parts, Digital Products and Services in the Store do not constitute a legally binding offer, but an invitation to place an order. You may put any particular Part, Digital Product and/or Service into the virtual shopping basket by clicking on the button “into the shopping basket”, without making an offer to order. The selected Parts, Digital Products and Services may be checked and changed at any time. Before placing Your order, You may put further Parts, Digital Products and Services into the shopping basket or remove them, by selecting the waste basket symbol and thus deleting them from the shopping basket. Your order for the Parts, Digital Products and Services listed on the order site will be binding once You click on the “Buy now” or “Order now with obligation to pay” Button. Our acceptance of Your order will take place when we email You to accept it or by sending You a separate Order Acknowledgement within five days after Your order at the latest, at which point a contract will come into existence between You and us.
4. Parts, Digital Products & Services
4.1 You will find details on the respective Parts, Digital Products and Services, including information about the respective license/service terms for Digital Products and Services and specific prerequisites for the respective Digital Product or Service in the Digital Product / Service Description as made available in the Store.
4.2 The images of the Parts, Digital Products and Services on our Store are for illustrative purposes only. Although we have made every effort to display the colours accurately, we cannot guarantee that a device's display of the colours accurately reflects the colour of the Parts, Digital Products and Services. Your Part, Digital Product or Service may vary slightly from those images.
4.3 You are only allowed to purchase Parts and to use and distribute such Parts or make such Parts otherwise available to any third Party in order to render services within the scope of a service contract with your customer. For the avoidance of doubt it shall be clarified that any commercial distribution of Parts and any other commercial exploitation of the Parts beyond the aforementioned scope is expressly prohibited.
4.4 Miele retains title of delivered Parts until receipt of all payments arising out or in connection with the business relationship between You and Miele. If You are in default of payment, Miele shall be entitled to take possession and to utilize delivered Parts upon expiration of an appropriate period determined by Miele. Profit of exploitation will be credited for Your outstanding debts deducting appropriate expenses for exploitation. You may use and sell Parts only in the course of Your regular business and according the provision set forth in Sec. 4.3 above. You shall not be entitled to pledge Parts or use them to secure third party claims. You hereby assign to Miele all claims arising from the sale of Parts to third parties in the amount of the Parts already delivered to You. Miele hereby accepts such assignment. In case the total value of Miele’s security interests exceeds the value of all secured claims by more than twenty (20) % any surplus of such security interests shall be released on Your request. You shall notify Miele immediately in the event Parts are or will be pledged or otherwise claimed by any third party. You shall be liable for all costs and expenses of Miele incurred by aby third party action against execution in pursuance of § 771 of Code of Civil Procedure (§ 771 ZPO).
4.5 Miele warrants that the Parts comply with the specifications expressly stated by Miele at the time when risk of loss or damage of such Parts passes to You. In case of any significant failure of a Part to meet the specification expressly stated by Miele (“Defect”), Miele will - subject to your compliance with the notification obligations set forth below - at its sole reasonable discretion repair the Part that has a Defect or replace the Part by a refurbished Part. If Miele is unable to remedy the Defect within two (2) attempts, You are entitled to terminate the respective order of the defective Part. You are obligated to inspect delivered Parts immediately upon receipt. You are only entitled to claim for remedies due to the delivery of a defect Part if you notify Miele in writing without delay. Notification of such claims shall be considered without delay when they will be submitted within two (2) weeks after delivery. Hidden defects must be notified in writing without delay upon their discovery, however, in any event, at the latest twelve (12) month after receipt of the delivery of the respective Part. If You fail to provide a proper and timely notification, our liability for the non-reported remedies is excluded. Sec. 10 shall remain unaffected.
Use of the Digital Products and End-user License Agreements
4.6 We generally offer our Digital Products on the basis of a fixed license term of one (1) month or twelve (12) months, subject to Your order and proper payment of the license fees charged for the Digital Product and Your strict compliance with this Terms, the End-user License Agreement (EULA) which is made available on the respective Digital Product pages and which must be accepted in order to use the Digital Products and all applicable laws. Your fixed license term for the respective Digital Product will automatically expire at the end of the term. However, You are free to re-order the Digital Product in the Store given that the Digital Product is still available.
Use of the Services and service terms
4.7 Unless otherwise stipulated in this Terms or in the respective Service descriptions or expressly agreed upon between You and us, we provide You with the respective Service (= limited, non-exclusive, revocable and non-transferable right to access the Repair and Maintenance Information) for the agreed amount of (1) named user, subject to Your order and proper payment of the fees charged for the Services and Your strict compliance with this Terms and all applicable laws.
4.8 We generally offer our Services on the basis of fixed service term of one (1) month or twelve (12) months. Your fixed service term for the respective Service will automatically expire at the end of the term. However, You are free to re-order the Service in the Store given that the Service is still available.
4.9 You acknowledge and agree to the following restrictions and warrant that You will not encourage or facilitate any third party to violate these restrictions.
- You shall not distribute, sell, rent or otherwise license or sub-license the Services without our prior approval;
- You shall not use the Services with more users as You are allowed to;
- You shall not use the Services for any illegal purposes or in any way which could violate these Terms or any applicable law;
- You shall not transmit any malware, defects or any other items of destructive nature or any other items which could threat the Services or any other products and/or services made available by Miele, to any servers or networks connected with any products and/or services made available by Miele;
- You shall not translate, decompile, copy, reverse engineer, create derivative works or otherwise modify the Services unless You are explicitly entitled to do so under applicable mandatory law;
5. Activation of Digital Products and Services
After our acceptance of Your order, the Digital Product and/or Service will be activated for Your use. As regards our Digital Products, You will receive a link where You can find and download the installation files for the respective Digital Product.
6. Terms, Conditions and Periods of Delivery for Parts
6.1 Delivery is executed by our external delivery partners. Delivery times for individual Parts are on the checkout page.
6.2 We will dispatch the Parts after acceptance of Your order. The delivery period begins from the first working day after acceptance of your order.
6.3 We make deliveries only within the United Kingdom.
6.4 If we are impeded from executing the order due to strike, lock-out, force majeure, shortfall of workforce without fault, unforeseeable delays by sub-suppliers, interventions by authorities, unpredictable acts by third parties not acting on our behalf, technical conditions beyond our control and any other events that are unforeseeable and beyond our responsibility, the times of delivery shall be deemed as being extended by the time the impediment lasts. We will inform you about the beginning and end of any such impediment without delay. If the impediment delays the delivery by more than one month, you and we shall both be entitled to end the contract with respect to the Parts affected by the default in delivery.
6.5 If, in exceptional cases, an item should not be available from stock, we will inform you immediately and advise you of a scheduled date of delivery or propose that we supply a comparable Part. In the event you should not be agreeable with that date of delivery or should not wish to receive delivery of a comparable Part, the purchase will be cancelled and will refund you any sums already paid.
7. Prices and Means and Conditions of Payment
7.1 The registration and use of the Store as well as some specific Services are free of charge.
7.2 The prices stated for our Parts, Digital Products and chargeable Services on the product and service pages in the Store are net prices, excluding the legal VAT and without any delivery costs. You may see the delivering costs from the check-out page. The delivery costs are stated on the check-out page next to the price quotation.
7.3 The prices stated for our Digital Products and Services are defined as one-time payments.
7.4 You have the choice between the following means of payment: Invoice.
7.5 If You opt for payment by invoice, You will receive an invoice after the conclusion of the respective contract. Invoices are due for payment within fourteen (14) days after receipt of the invoice.
7.6 You are obligated to ensure the validity of Your selected payment method and to keep Your payment data up-to-date.
7.7 You shall not be entitled to offset any payment against our accounts receivable, unless Your counter-claims have been legally established or are uncontested. You shall also be entitled to offset payments against our accounts receivable if You assert notices of defect or counter-claims from the same purchase contract.
8. Data Privacy
8.1 For processing of the order, we collaborate with various companies for instance in charge of payment processing and logistics. At the same time, we make sure that our partners observe the applicable provisions in terms of data privacy as well.
8.2 Depending on the payment mode selected, the payment transaction for purchase orders will be accomplished by the intervention of a competent service provider, if required.
8.3 For more detailed information on data privacy, please refer to our Data Privacy Statement.
9. Reservation of changes
We may, at our own discretion, change and/or supplement the scope of our Digital Products and Services at any time with future effect for the purpose of further development of our Digital Products and Services and for security reasons, unless this is unreasonable for You. We shall inform You in due time about any changes of our Digital Products and Services by e-mail or in the Store if and insofar a change has significant impact on the scope of our Digital Product and/or Service.
10. Limitation of Liability
11. Severability
Each of the paragraphs of these Terms operates separately. If any court or relevant authority decides that any of them are unlawful, the remaining paragraphs will remain in full force and effect.
12. Applicable Law
The law [APPLICABLE LAW] under exclusion of the United Nations Convention on Contracts for the International Sale of Goods (CISG) shall apply. The exclusive place of jurisdiction for all disputes arising from or in connection with this Terms shall be the courts responsible for Ireland.
During the development phase of the product series listed hereafter, Miele has conducted tough durability tests simulating a 20 years average use of an average household. The extent of testing for each tested series is described below. This does not represent any assurance or guarantee of a durability of our marketed product series for 20 years. Notwithstanding testing, during development phase, individual machines may require occasional servicing or may require repair or replacement of core components. In this respect, the statutory warranty provisions apply and – where applicable – additional provisions on product warranty within the general sales terms for the Miele product.
MIELE has tested development models and core components during the development phase of the washing machine series W 1 (front loader models) in tough endurance tests. The aim of these tests conducted by MIELE is to simulate average usage over a period of 20 years.
The basis for determining the test conditions for the endurance test is the average consumer habits known from studies and surveys. MIELE uses a total of 5,000 wash cycles with different programs as a basis. This corresponds to 5 wash cycles per week with use in 50 weeks per year over a period of 20 years. The requirements derived from this were translated into test conditions. In addition to the exact test conditions, these also specify the number of test items to be tested in order to obtain statistically reliable test results.
These tests carried out by MIELE during development phase are monitored by our employees. The corresponding results are recorded and evaluated by us. The washing machine series is not released until the test results meet the specified criteria for the reliability of the washing machine series.
The tests carried out by MIELE "To the equivalent of 20 years use" are based on a comprehensive concept, which has been implemented by operating instructions, laboratory test instructions and supplementary factory standards. This concept has been reviewed as part of an operational stability study with the result that this concept is complete, it corresponds to the state of the art and with this approach it is possible to test washing machines for a service life of 20 years based on the average use by an average household (Fraunhofer Institut, Expertise LBF- No. 307049 - ExW).
This does not represent any assurance or guarantee of a durability of our marketed washing machines for 20 years. Notwithstanding testing, during development phase, individual machines may require occasional servicing or may require repair or replacement of core components. In this respect, the statutory warranty provisions apply and – where applicable – additional provisions on product warranty within the general sales terms for the Miele product.
MIELE has tested development models and core components during the development phase of the dryer series T1 (heat pump models) in tough endurance tests. The aim of these tests conducted by MIELE is to simulate average usage over a period of 20 years.
The basis for determining the test conditions for the endurance test is the average consumer habits known from studies and surveys. MIELE uses a total of 5,000 drying cycles with different programs as a basis. This corresponds to 5 drying cycles per week with use in 50 weeks per year over a period of 20 years. The requirements derived from this were translated into test conditions. In addition to the exact test conditions, these also specify the number of test items to be tested in order to obtain statistically reliable test results.
These tests carried out by MIELE during development phase are monitored by our employees. The corresponding results are recorded and evaluated by us. The dryer series is not released until the test results meet the specified criteria for the reliability of the dryer series.
The tests carried out by MIELE "To the equivalent of 20 years use" are based on a comprehensive concept, which has been implemented by operating instructions, laboratory test instructions and supplementary factory standards. This concept has been reviewed as part of an operational stability study with the result that this concept is complete, it corresponds to the state of the art and with this approach it is possible to test dryers for a service life of 20 years based on the average use by an average household (Fraunhofer Institut, Expertise LBF- No. 308005).
This does not represent any assurance or guarantee of a durability of our marketed dryers for 20 years. Notwithstanding testing during development phase individual machines may require occasional servicing or may require repair or replacement of core components. In this respect, the statutory warranty provisions apply and – where applicable – additional provisions on product warranty within the general sales terms for the Miele product.
MIELE has tested development models and core components during the development phase of the G 5000 and G 7000 dish washer series in tough endurance tests. The aim of these tests conducted by MIELE is to simulate average usage over a period of 20 years.
MIELE has tested development models and core components during the development phase of the dish washer series G 7000 in tough endurance tests. The aim of these tests conducted by MIELE is to simulate average usage over a period of 20 years.
The basis for determining the test conditions for the endurance test is the average consumer habits known from studies and surveys. MIELE uses a total of 5,600 dishwashing cycles with different programs as a basis. This corresponds to 5.6 dishwashing cycles per week with use in 50 weeks per year (280 cycles) over a period of 20 years. The requirements derived from this were translated into test conditions. In addition to the exact test conditions, these also specify the number of test items to be tested in order to obtain statistically reliable test results.
These tests carried out by MIELE during development phase are monitored by our employees. The corresponding results are recorded and evaluated by us. The dishwasher series is not released until the test results meet the specified criteria for the reliability of the dishwasher series.
The tests carried out by MIELE "To the equivalent of 20 years use" are based on a comprehensive concept, which has been implemented by operating instructions, laboratory test instructions and supplementary factory standards. This concept has been reviewed as part of an operational stability study with the result that this concept is complete, it corresponds to the state of the art and with this approach it is possible to test dishwasher for a service life of 20 years based on the average use by an average household (Fraunhofer Institut Expertise LBF-Bericht Nr. 308595 – ExG).
This does not represent any assurance or guarantee of a durability of our marketed dishwashers for 20 years. Notwithstanding testing, during development phase, individual machines may require occasional servicing or may require repair or replacement of core components. In this respect, the statutory warranty provisions apply and – where applicable – additional provisions on product
MIELE has tested core components of cooker hoods in tough endurance tests during the development phase of the series. The aim of these tests conducted by MIELE is to simulate average usage of main functionalities of the cooker hoods over a period of 20 years.
The basis for determining the test conditions for the endurance test is the average consumer habits known from studies and surveys. MIELE uses a total of 7,000 hours of use with different speed settings as a basis. This corresponds to 7 hours of use per week in 50 weeks per year over a period of 20 years. The requirements derived from this were translated into test conditions. In addition to the exact test conditions, these also specify the number of test items to be tested in order to obtain statistically reliable test results.
These tests carried out by MIELE during development phase are monitored by our employees. The corresponding results are recorded and evaluated by us. The cooker hood series is not released until the test results meet the specified criteria for the reliability of the cooker hood series.
The tests carried out by MIELE "To the equivalent of 20 years use" are based on a comprehensive concept, which has been implemented by operating instructions, laboratory test instructions and supplementary factory standards. This concept has been reviewed as part of an operational stability study with the result that this concept is complete, it corresponds to the state of the art and with this approach it is possible to test main functionalities of cooker hoods for a service life of 20 years based on the average use by an average household (Fraunhofer Institut, Expertise, LBF-Nr. 308005 - ExD).
This does not represent any assurance or guarantee of a durability of our cooker hoods for 20 years. Notwithstanding testing, during development phase, individual products may require occasional servicing or may require replacement of core components. In this respect, the statutory warranty provisions apply and – where applicable – additional provisions on product warranty within the general sales terms for the Miele product
MIELE has tested core components of H 7000 oven series in tough endurance tests during its development phase. The aim of these tests conducted by MIELE is to simulate average usage of main functionalities of the ovens and ovens with microwave over a period of 20 years.
The basis for determining the test conditions for the endurance test is the average consumer habits known from studies and surveys. MIELE uses a total of 2160 hours of use regarding ovens and a total of 3160 hours of use regarding ovens with microwave function in various operating modes. This corresponds to 108 hours of oven use per year and 158 hours use of the ovens with microwave function per year (108h use of the oven and 50h use of the microwave function). Furthermore, 3 pyrolytic cleaning cycles were considered. The requirements derived from this were translated into test conditions. In addition to the exact test conditions, these also specify the number of test items to be tested in order to obtain statistically reliable test results.
These tests carried out by MIELE during development phase are monitored by our employees. The corresponding results are recorded and evaluated by us. The oven series is not released until the test results meet the specified criteria for the reliability of the core components of the series. The core components are all main components required for proper use of respective main functions of the product.
The tests carried out by MIELE "To the equivalent of 20 years use" are based on a comprehensive concept, which has been implemented by operating instructions, laboratory test instructions and supplementary factory standards. This concept has been reviewed as part of an operational stability study with the result that this concept is complete, it corresponds to the state of the art and with this approach it is possible to test main functions of the product for a service life of 20 years based on the average use by an average household. (Fraunhofer Institut, Expertise, LBF-Nr. 308005- ExO).
This does not represent any assurance or guarantee of a durability of our ovens and ovens with microwave for 20 years. Notwithstanding testing core components, during development phase, individual machines may require occasional servicing or may require replacement of core components. In this respect, the statutory warranty provisions apply and – where applicable – additional provisions on product warranty within the general sales terms for the Miele product
MIELE has tested core components of DG 7000 steam oven series, including combi products DGC (steam oven with baking function) and DGM (steam oven with microwave) in tough endurance tests during its development phase. The aim of these tests conducted by MIELE is to simulate average usage of main functionalities of the steam ovens over a period of 20 years.
The basis for determining the test conditions for the endurance test is the average consumer habits known from studies and surveys. MIELE uses a total of 2500 hours of use regarding steam ovens (DG), a total of 4700 hours of use regarding steam ovens with baking function (DGC) and a use of 3500 hours regarding steam ovens with microwave function (DGM), each of them tested in various operating modes. This corresponds to 125 hours of steam oven use per year (DG), 235 hours of steam oven or baking use (DGC), and 175 hours use of steam oven or microwave function (DGM) per year. The requirements derived from this were translated into test conditions. In addition to the exact test conditions, these also specify the number of test items to be tested in order to obtain statistically reliable test results.
These tests carried out by MIELE during development phase are monitored by our employees. The corresponding results are recorded and evaluated by us. The steam oven series is not released until the test results meet the specified criteria for the reliability of the core components of the series. The core components are all main components required for proper use of respective main functions of the product.
The tests carried out by MIELE "To the equivalent of 20 years use" are based on a comprehensive concept, which has been implemented by operating instructions, laboratory test instructions and supplementary factory standards. This concept has been reviewed as part of an operational stability study with the result that this concept is complete, it corresponds to the state of the art and with this approach it is possible to test main functions of the product for a service life of 20 years based on the average use by an average household. (Fraunhofer Institut, Expertise, LBF-Nr. 308234- ExO).
This does not represent any assurance or guarantee of a durability of our steam ovens for 20 years. Notwithstanding testing core components, during development phase, individual machines may require occasional servicing or may require replacement of core components. In this respect, the statutory warranty provisions apply and – where applicable – additional provisions on product warranty within the general sales terms for the Miele product
MIELE has tested core components of M 7000 microwave series in tough endurance tests during its development phase. The aim of these tests conducted by MIELE is to simulate average usage of main functionalities of the microwaves over a period of 20 years.
The basis for determining the test conditions for the endurance test is the average consumer habits known from studies and surveys. MIELE uses a total of 1000 hours of use in various operating modes. This corresponds to 50 hours of microwave use per year. The requirements derived from this were translated into test conditions. In addition to the exact test conditions, these also specify the number of test items to be tested in order to obtain statistically reliable test results.
These tests carried out by MIELE during development phase are monitored by our employees. The corresponding results are recorded and evaluated by us. The microwave series is not released until the test results meet the specified criteria for the reliability of the core components of the series. The core components are all main components required for proper use of respective main functions of the product.
The tests carried out by MIELE "To the equivalent of 20 years use" are based on a comprehensive concept, which has been implemented by operating instructions, laboratory test instructions and supplementary factory standards. This concept has been reviewed as part of an operational stability study with the result that this concept is complete, it corresponds to the state of the art and with this approach it is possible to test main functions of the product for a service life of 20 years based on the average use by an average household. (Fraunhofer Institut, Expertise, LBF-Nr. 308005).
This does not represent any assurance or guarantee of a durability of our microwaves for 20 years. Notwithstanding testing core components during development phase individual machines may require occasional servicing or may require replacement of core components. In this respect, the statutory warranty provisions apply and – where applicable – additional provisions on product warranty within the general sales terms for the Miele product.
MIELE has tested core components of EVS 7000 vacuum drawer series in tough endurance tests during its development phase. The aim of these tests conducted by MIELE is to simulate average usage of main functionalities of the vacuum drawers over a period of 20 years.
The basis for determining the test conditions for the endurance test is the average consumer habits known from studies and surveys. MIELE uses a total of 120 hours of use (representing 7.000 vacuum cycles including welding) regarding vacuum drawers EVS 7000 each of them tested in various operating modes. This corresponds to 350 vacuum drawer uses for one minute per year. The requirements derived from this were translated into test conditions. In addition to the exact test conditions, these also specify the number of test items to be tested in order to obtain statistically reliable test results.
These tests carried out by MIELE during development phase are monitored by our employees. The corresponding results are recorded and evaluated by us. The vacuum drawer series is not released until the test results meet the specified criteria for the reliability of the core components of the series. The core components are all main components required for proper use of respective main functions of the product.
The tests carried out by MIELE "To the equivalent of 20 years use" are based on a comprehensive concept, which has been implemented by operating instructions, laboratory test instructions and supplementary factory standards. This concept has been reviewed as part of an operational stability study with the result that this concept is complete, it corresponds to the state of the art and with this approach it is possible to test main functions of the product for a service life of 20 years based on the average use by an average household (Fraunhofer Institut, Expertise, LBF-Nr. 308234). .
This does not represent any assurance or guarantee of a durability of our vacuum drawers for 20 years. Notwithstanding testing core components during development phase individual machines may require occasional servicing or may require replacement of core components. In this respect, the statutory warranty provisions apply and – where applicable – additional provisions on product warranty within the general sales terms for the Miele product
MIELE has tested core components of warming drawer series ESW7000 in tough endurance tests during the development phase of the series. The aim of these tests conducted by MIELE is to simulate average usage of main functionalities of the warming drawers over a period of 20 years.
The basis for determining the test conditions for the endurance test is the average consumer habits known from studies and surveys. MIELE uses a total of 7,500 hours of use with different speed settings as a basis. This corresponds to 450 minutes of use per week in 50 weeks, resulting in 375 h per year over a period of 20 years. The requirements derived from this were translated into test conditions. In addition to the exact test conditions, these also specify the number of test items to be tested in order to obtain statistically reliable test results.
These tests carried out by MIELE during development phase are monitored by our employees. The corresponding results are recorded and evaluated by us. The warming drawer series is not released until the test results meet the specified criteria for the reliability of the warming drawer series.
The tests carried out by MIELE "To the equivalent of 20 years use" are based on a comprehensive concept, which has been implemented by operating instructions, laboratory test instructions and supplementary factory standards. This concept has been reviewed as part of an operational stability study with the result that this concept is complete, it corresponds to the state of the art and with this approach it is possible to test main functionalities of warming drawers for a service life of 20 years based on the average use by an average household (Fraunhofer Institut, Expertise, LBF-Nr. 308234).
This does not represent any assurance or guarantee of a durability of our warming drawers for 20 years. Notwithstanding testing during development phase individual products may require occasional servicing or may require replacement of core components. In this respect, the statutory warranty provisions apply and – where applicable – additional provisions on product warranty within the general sales terms for the Miele product
Classic C 1, Compact C 1, Compact C 2, Complete C 2, Complete C 3, Blizzard CX 1, Swing H 1, Dynamic U 1
MIELE has tested models and core components in tough endurance tests during the development phase of the residential mains-operated vacuum cleaner series with bag ,lassic C 1, Compact C 1, Compact C 2, Complete C 2, Complete C 3 and Blizzard CX 1). The aim of these tests conducted by MIELE is to simulate average usage over a period of 20 years.
The basis for determining the test conditions for the endurance test is the average consumer habits known from studies and surveys. MIELE uses a total of 750 h of appliance running as a basis. This corresponds to 45 minutes of use per week with use in 50 weeks per year over a period of 20 years. The requirements derived from this were translated into test conditions. In addition to the exact test conditions, these also specify the number of test items to be tested in order to obtain statistically reliable test results.
These tests carried out by MIELE during development phase are monitored by our employees. The corresponding results are recorded and evaluated by us. The above mentioned vacuum cleaner series is not released until the test results meet the specified criteria for the reliability of the above mentioned vacuum cleaner series.
The tests carried out by MIELE "To the equivalent of 20 years use" are based on a comprehensive concept, which has been implemented by operating instructions, laboratory test instructions and supplementary factory standards. This concept has been reviewed as part of an operational stability study with the result that this concept is complete, it corresponds to the state of the art and with this approach it is possible to test residential mains-operated vacuum cleaner for a service life of 20 years based on the average use by an average household (Fraunhofer-Institut, LBF-Bericht Nr. 307530 - Expertise Bodenpflege).
This does not represent any assurance or guarantee of a durability of the mentioned vacuum cleaners for 20 years. Notwithstanding testing, during development phase, individual machines may require occasional servicing or may require replacement of core components. In this respect, the statutory warranty provisions apply and – where applicable – additional provisions on product warranty within the general sales terms for the Miele product.
10,000 Hour Disclaimer
During development phase of washing machines series W 1 Miele and dryer series T1 has tested models & core components for 10,000 hours; more see miele.com/20years
3,300 Bath Disclaimer
Over the expected lifespan, our machines save 596,484* liters of fresh water, or 3977 bathtubs. In comparison with hand wash, 5 rinsing cycles per week with 14 standard places setting over 20 years (one bathtub with an average of 150l); more see miele.com/20years
3 x Car Engine Disclaimer
During development phase of washing machines series W 1 Miele and dryer series T1 has tested models & core components for 10,000 hours; more see miele.com/20years