
Safe reprocessing with a focus on value retention: Versatile accessories ideally complement glasswashers in a wide range of applications.

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APLW 041
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Learn more about our accessories for laboratory washers

360PRO for your laboratory

Taking care of everything

With 360PRO Miele Professional offers a comprehensive package of solutions for the effective and economical reprocessing of laboratory glassware. Based on many years of experience and developed in close consultation with experts in the field, our solutions cover all the major aspects of reprocessing: powerful machines, perfectly integrated process chemicals, nationwide customer service and comprehensive advisory service by experts in our in-house application laboratory. Technology and know-how come from the same source and therefore are perfectly integrated with each other. The result is an analytically pure, particularly seamless, gentle and economic reprocessing process. And administration time is optimised too, since Miele is always at your side as an expert partner in all matters – from machine technology to planning and financing.