HomeIndustriesVanguard - sterile goods supply centre

Vanguard - sterile goods supply centre

Although the company's new sterile goods supply centre is its largest, it is certainly not its only operating site. From its 49 operating sites Vanguard supplies more than 100 hospitals in Germany and Austria. The new supply centre offers employees a pleasant working atmosphere characterised by a great deal of natural light, thanks to its predominantly transparent, glass structure.

A supply centre in "green fields"

Vanguard is one of the leading service providers for the reprocessing of medical products in the German-speaking world. The new Rhein-Ruhr sterile goods supply centre is the largest external operating site in Germany for the reprocessing of reusable medical products. The company supplies hospitals, outpatient clinics, surgeries and industrial clients from here.

40 employees are engaged in the reprocessing of surgical instruments, with the support of twelve high-performance PG 8528 washer-disinfectors from Miele Professional, which are soon to be supplemented by further machines of this type. The instruments are cleaned, disinfected, monitored and sterilised here using state-of-the-art techniques. Thanks to its knowledge and experience, Vanguard makes its customers' sterile goods supply even more reliable and economic. The company's offering includes full advisory services, staff training, and comprehensive supply by the Vanguard operations and the management of the customer's own establishments. This service gives clinics and surgeries the opportunity to implement the latest findings and the increased requirements in the area of reprocessing medical products, without having to invest themselves.

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